
3 years, 6 months ago


Basic Info
Actual Name: Jadaclaw
Earth Name: Jasper Morrow
Male (Cisgender)
10 years old (11 in part 2)
Blitzer Class
Fox (Arctic)

Jadaclaw is a deuteragonist of Animazians: New Life. He was born and raised on an arctic planet within canine territory named "Tundrion". To be exact, he was in a small fishing village populated almost entirely by other arctic foxes where fish was their main diet. There was also a research lab nearby where his father worked. Jadaclaw's father was so intelligent he was deemed too intelligent for any form of education at the age of five and this is where Jadaclaw is assumed to have got his intelligence from. His father may have also been intelligent due to being half Border Collie. One day, Skelebur's forces came along, attacked the village and destroyed the planet. Jadaclaw's father knew they were coming, although he fought they would be able to fight them off, but they absolutely shatter their expectations. Luckily before the planet was destroyed, Zayden happened to crash land on Tundrion and while Jadaclaw's father was helping Zayden repair the ship, his mom was out there fighting with Zayden and while Jadaclaw's parents were never to be seen again after they lost the battle, Zayden managed take Jadaclaw and get him off the planet before it's destruction. Like with all the other Union of Good Renegades, Zayden looked for a place to live outside the universe in order to make it harder for Skelebur's forces to find them. While Jadaclaw still misses his parents, his life within the past five years have been happy for the most part.

Jadaclaw is intelligent just like his father which is not only a hobby, but something he also integrates into his own fighting style. He is a happy little child and this is one thing that influenced Bekzpaw to become this way, except he's chilled than everybody else. Him being laid back and a bit of a loner came from not only his home planet as everybody there learned to not let things such as the cold harsh climates get to them, but also the fact that not many people lived there. Although he used to isolate himself so much to the point where he didn't spend enough time with everybody else, but that started to go away with time. Jadaclaw is impatient too which could even cause him to rush his projects, although some might even think that it's malicious intentions only due to a stereotype around foxes where they're all mischievous, they always plotting to do something bad and therefore cannot be trusted. However like many foxes, Jadaclaw is also shy which is a common trait that many non-foxes are unaware of.
Powers and abilities
Animasapian Abilities (Anthromorphic)
Class: Blitzer

Artillery: Smartphone secret weapon and dubstep pistol.

Automatic Capabilities
ANTI-IMMUNE: Allows Jadaclaw to use any of his powers, even when the opponent is immune to it.

Animal Capability
Like many foxes, Jadaclaw can use a planet's magnetic field as a tracking system to sense exactly where his target is across the entirety of said-planet, even when he cannot see them.
Due to being an arctic fox, Jadaclaw is immune to absolute zero temperatures.

Action-based capabilities:
1. Jadaclaw's smartphone looks like a normal iPhone 4, but it's actually a secret weapon. It allows him to see what's in front of him and he has a pen for it which he uses to attack. He does this to slice/cut, this to block and this to thrust/stab. Just by doing all this, he can literally sword fight.
2. Jadaclaw can scatter ten little bombs all over the place. They maybe small, but the explosions are big!
3. Can throw a little metal ball on the ground that shapeshifts into a boombox that plays dubstep music which will cause shockwaves to spread across the arena, damaging his targets. However, these boomboxes are not very durable as they get damaged very quickly.
4. He can throw three metal balls on the ground that shapeshift into little Jadaclaw robots that shoot lasers from their eyes and attack the opponents. They're small but they can run faster and they jump a lot which makes them more difficult to hit, but are not any more durable than the boomboxes.
5. Jadaclaw can boost his attack and speed stats.
6. He can make many portals appear behind him via a thought command, where homing missiles come out of each one of them and they all explode on impact.