Shayna Zuri



7 years, 21 days ago



 Shayna Zuri




 15th October (Libra)


 High School Senior

Youtuber (Gaming/Cosplay Channels)








 She's energetic and cannot spend a day without caffein, she spends her time prowling gaming stores

looking for the newest games to put on her channel or collecting merch from her favorite games and

movies. She tries to go to at least 5 cons a year and cosplay a different character each day. Her channel

isn't exactly famous yet, but she updates it regularly and enjoys interacting with the fans she does have.

She's incredibly helpful and giving and likes to refer to herself as a cosplay mom, at a con she's the one

walking around with a cosplay care kit ready to patch anyone up who needs it. She loves futuristic 

aesthetics and her favorite games involve space travel. The one way to Shayna's heart is to talk nerdy 

to her (Ask her about Doctor Who, Star Wars, or Star Trek and you won't get her to shut up)


She comes from a fairly well-off family, her mother is a surgeon and her father is a gaming engineer for

an indie company (She plays all of the games they produce on her channel and loves them all.) When she

was younger it was always her dad that she spent the most time with, and she loved talking with him about

the evolution of gaming technology and spending time testing games with him. They always have the latest

consoles and she helped him set up the VR setup in their living room, as well as in her recording room. She

manages to keep a solid B average in school and enjoys spending time with her nerd squad.


  • Cosplays DVa, Sombra and Symmetra from Overwatch because they're her favorite characters
  • A friend got her a button and a strong bag that says "I would fuck a robot" as a gag gift and she wears them both unironically
  • When she's focusing she wears a beanie to keep her hair back out of her face. The beanie is usually a little bat-beanie with heart eyes.
  • She loves keys and collects ones that make her think of her favorite games or characters
  • Owns a shirt that says Robot Fucker
  • Aggressively Bisexual, she has a shirt that says "Birates of the Carribean" 
  • Her father is from the Carribean and her mother is of Moroccan descent (Shayna's grandparents moved to America from Morocco when her mother was about 8)
  • She speaks fluent French, Arabic and English (French is her first language, and her accent matches her fathers carribean french accent, she learned arabic second from her mother then english for shcool)