R-37..3 (Reyenne)



7 years, 1 month ago



 R-37..3 (R dash 37 naught naught 3)



8-bit Soul




 3rd July (Cancer)


 Digital Exorcist for the Space Fleet, Class A







 Like most born on Base Omega, she is obedient and unwaveringly loyal to whoever she decides

to view as her superior. She is not inherently a killer but when ordered to kill, she doesn't hesitate.

She feels no guilt for the lives that she has taken, though she is secretly glad that her division was

changed. She's had the occasional thought of escape but for the most part the regimented 

brainwashing protocol running through her hardware keeps her from thinking of it too hard, that

coupled with no actual means of escape keeps her docile. Though she desires to serve some

purpose in the rare moments of lucidity, she feels the masters she serves are not good, and

she wishes to escape, if she only had a way...


As with all children born on Base Omega, until her sixteenth birthday she was known only by her 

serial number (The letter of her generation "R" her birthday 3/7 third of June, followed by her batch

aka she was the third born on that day in that generation). From birth she was designated to become

an assassin and from 8 onward she was trained in advanced weaponry, at thirteen she was sent

on missions with her mentor, and at 16, the day after her naming ceremony, she was given her first

solo-mission. However when she was 17 her division was changed after the death of her mother

proved to distract her from her work and she was deemed unfit for use. They fitted her with 

special enhancements and assigned her to the Digital Exorcist division (Referred to as the 8-bits

by locals) and she was given the codename 8-bit Soul. Her job is to collect the startling amount of 

ghosts plaguing the ship and release them. Her "ears" were fitted with special crystal tanks to 

hold up to four souls at a time for "relocation". She doesn't know where they go when they are

relocated but she likes to think it is somewhere nice.


  • She is the middle of 3 siblings
  • Of her siblings she has proved most proficient, and most promising
  • She is incredibly squeamish and doesn't like the sight of blood (she had a habit of throwing up after assassination missions)
  • When she thinks too long about going away she gets a shock from the microchip in her skull and a dose of a calming drug is sent through her system to keep her docile.
  • Truth be told she's just given up trying to fight.
  • She secretly dreams of someone taking her away, and seeing the stars.
  • When she's not drugged up she can be witty and incredibly charming, she's an excellent strategist.
  • Watch your wallet around her.
  • Don't take her drinking, she gets way too into it. (the couple of times she managed to sneak away on missions. don't tell her superiors)