Morraine Viellia



3 years, 5 months ago


Morraine Viellia

Proprietress of the Subterranean Garden


Morraine was born to her parents in a clearing of a cavern below the plains. She grew up a very plain and peaceful childhood, her parents spent much time caring for her gently though they only wanted a peaceful childhood. She was somewhat adventurous and sweet natured, much of her time was spent alone. Nobody knew about or visited the cavern, she didn't really have friends. She entertained herself by gardening, exploring every corner of the cavern, building structures, and sewing.

Emadayus stumbled upon the cavern after he left his home. She was super excited and delighted to meet a bug who had been around. She spent much time with him, they got along very well. They explored the area together. They complained about parents and acted like typical teenagers, they were good natured though and caused no trouble. In the end Emadayus eventually decided to leave though, feeling obligated to act on his people's traditions and go elsewhere to marry someone else. It saddened her but she understood, she crafted him a special charm to remember her by.

Afterwards she continued living there with her parents. More and more time passed and her interests when all over. Her parents eventually passed and she began living on her own. Though she loved exploring she remained in her cavern home, her garden grew vast in the space she had. She found it beautiful. At some point Mare stumbled upon her abode and she adored the child taking them in as a godchild, though Mare eventually left and was officially adopted by another.

Emadayus returned, having reconnected with his son and had been left by his wife following his collapse as and injury worsened his health during a vacation. He was in somewhat poor health after a incident, but better then before. Spending time with and healing her friend and former boyfriend they rekindled their friendship and eventually married each other, and Emadayus took permanent residence with her and they settled down. While they did search for his grandson, Ecol, after he was sent out by tradition, with the will to take him in Ecol was evasive and they lost track of the teenage prince and he vanished and they eventually gave up their search.



Species- Snow Elf

Gender- Female

Age- 56

Sexual orientation- Strait

Relationships- Emadayus- best friend/husband, Mare- godchild

Lover- Emadayus

Height- Very tall

Health- Average

Occupation- Garden keeper

Eye Color- Blue

Blood Color- White

Weapon- None

Wounds- None

Scars- None

Diet- Various things

Pros- Intelligent, loyal, hard to upset, ect...

Cons- Gets very attached to simple things, gives tight hugs, doesn't give people personal space, ect...

Likes- Gardening, adventuring, Emadayus, ect...

Dislikes- N/A

Alignment- Neutral Good


Charms & Magic information- Uses plant magic and no charms