Basic Info

Also known as

Zero (goddess Alias), Kethy, Kethry, Keth, K, Rilly (ONLY her parents may call her that), Ethy, Scales




Knowledge, Books, Libraries, Hades, Skeletons, Shadows


Goddess of Knowledge


Dragon/Wood Elf, Dragon Deity (Hero Deity)

Creature Type





6'4"/193.04m, 150lbs/68.038kg

Height (Dragon Form)

{L} 427'0"/130m, {H} 60'0"/18.3 m, {wingspan} 360 feet/110 m


Spellsword (Formerly), Druid (Circle of Wildfire)

Hair color


Chaotic Neutral / Lawful Evil


Common, Draconic, Elvish



Karith (mother), Zephaniah (father), Ameon (adoptive brother, human), Tamara (adoptive sister, human), Falkris (pet/partner)



Cause of Death



Reading, Writing, Learning, exploring, Riding her motorbike alongside Rayleigh, Adventuring, eating, Seafood, Dragonfruit, Magic, Her parents, Storybook heroes


Cruelty, evil, stubborn people, evil people, demons, cruel or evil acts, betrayal, traitors, anyone who threatens or insults the Vanguard Heroes, anyone who threatens or insults her parents, anyone who treats her as if she were stupid, better than you attitudes, incompetent people, salty food, slimy textures, narrow hallways


It was not long after the end of Zeph and Karith's journey that they left to spend time together alone, away from their sometimes chaotic party of friends. It was not too long after their vacation away from everyone and everything that Kethryllia was born. An energetic Elf-looking girl with scales and a tail, rather long nails, and sharper than normal teeth, she was born a Half-Dragon, Half-Elf. It may have been due to the blessings of the Dragon Goddess Marycorn upon Kethryllia's mother, making her more of a Dragon than any regular Dragonborn, that allowed her appearance to have not just been the usual Dragonborn children. Very early on, she wanted to be able to transform like her father could into different animals, but finding herself unable to, she grew frustrated and developed her own fighting style centered around magic. A highly curious girl, Kethryllia is often seen dotting down information, reading local books, or observing her surroundings. She looks up to her parents, loving them as any child endearingly loves her parents, but also as living, breathing storybook heroes. With a drive to follow in their footsteps, she holds both Zeph and Karith as role models, along with the rest of their friends. She is often proud to talk about them, and her heritage, but it may just be the Dragonblood and Elven pride running through her veins.

She left on a journey with her best childhood friend Rayleigh, tasked with keeping an eye on each other as they traveled around. In the midst of their travels, they were dragged into a group of adventurers put together by an Adventurer's Guild. While she often questioned the party's intentions, she still stuck to her morals, ridding the world of those who would do harm in hopes of following in her parents' footsteps and becoming a hero. After some time adventuring, the party was dragged into a much bigger political plot, and dealing with outside forces meddling with their world. She ran into another childhood friend, Royce, who seemed to hold some resentment towards her for not being around when his mother had been murdered. The two butted heads and, despite it coming to light that he harbored feelings for her, she grew to despise him. While she tolerates him being around due to their tasks by the Adventurer's Guild, she cares little for him and has a short temper when dealing with him, often reminding him of her father. She encountered several enemies, almost dying but awakening magical abilities through combat, and also encountered an old arch nemesis of her mother, revived and leaving with a taunt and threat towards Kethryllia and her mother. After several people telling her she was insecure about herself, and holding herself back, Kethryllia began to resent leaving her parents, considering leaving the group without much explanation. Her dear friend Rayleigh confessed his feelings to her, laced within his support of her staying or leaving, saying he would go with her. Unfortunately for him, the confession went over her head due to her heavy amount of stress and grief.

Kethryllia eventually left the party temporarily, with her parents to train as a Wildfire Druid, after Zeph saw the potential of her fire abilities when she temporarily lost control of it and singed the area around him as she vented her frustrations. Her uncle remained in her stead to make her new group of friends didn't hurt themselves. Her return was abrupt as her and her father had to rush to her uncle's aid as he was almost murdered by mysterious figures as he was out trying to find information for his brother. With her return, she sported a new appearance, her arms scarred black by the awakening of her Wildfire magic, she also had glowing blue scars which flames would come forth from when she would cast magic, without harming her. She continued her adventure with the party as her father took her uncle back to their home on the mythical island of Druvull where he could recover. 

As their adventures continued, she began to have a distaste for the world and its inhabitants, finding their lack of care for what her parents and their friends sacrificed as pathetic. In her eyes, the people of the world were becoming inferior, casually forgetting the suffering that many endured, and were still alive today to enjoy the peace from their sacrifices. The struggles the people felt were justified in her eyes, for growing complacent and dismissive of the beings who abandoned their mortality in hopes of keeping the world safe. it was then that the group began to hear troubles of time manipulating crystals, and the group focused on stopping a mysterious man called Gil from obtaining them. While exploring the strength of the crystals, Raileigh warped the party to a Dragon's hoard in a palace, which they defeated and then brought back parts harvested from it. Raileigh and Kethyllia performed a ritual he knew of bathing in a dragon's blood, which affected the Draconic blood within them. While Raileigh came out looking normal, Kethryllia emerged temporarily looking monstrous, between a dragon and human, before the appearance faded away as blue fire seemingly burned the apparition off. During their jumps, it was one of those times that the discovered the truth about a Time Eater, and the sacrifice needed to destroy it before it tore reality apart: their friend Zer0 would have to sacrifice himself to make a blade which held he power to stop it. He willingly did so, and Kethryllia mourned by lashing out at Raileigh when he told her she had to move on. It would take some time after she would recover emotionally, although not fully. 

In some fights, the monstrous appearance Kethryllia obtained would emerge, as she began to have the equivalent of another round of puberty, dealing with flare ups of hoarding, and aggressive flare ups, wanting to fight others. Her party realized what she was going through, and would tease her when she would have her flare ups, finding it entertaining how she would, at times, tunnel vision on something she set her sights on. It was after some time while journeying, during a party the king of Wellington put on, that under a game of Zone of Truth, induced by alcohol, demanded Kethryllia reveal a secret no one knew. Out of sheer frustration from the royalty in attendance trying to get her to admit feelings she was feeling complicated towards, Kethryllia transformed into a Half-Dragon form as her "secret no one knew", startling everyone, even her own party members, and aweing her parents. When she transformed back, she realized she could not return her legs to that of a normal Elf, could not make her wings dissapear, nor her tail. Her friend Demitri complimented her on the new appearance, stating she was not strange to him. She appreciated the compliment, and thanked him for having saved her from the nobles that wanted to dance with her (to her dismay), annoyed that Raileigh had backed off instead of stepping forward, and coming to her aid.  The party also discovered that Royce's father was dying, quickly. A side effect of all the experiments done to him. Valren tapped into his Time magic to give him more time, but they would later learn that an alternate dimension version of Kethryllia's mother intentionally pushed him in combat until he hit his limits and died.

After many more complications and misadventures, including one on her home island of Druvull, the party was startled when the skies shattered and Bahamut appeared before them, worried about what the implications of this happening so suddenly were. Kethryllia, affected by the surge of magic exploding across the world, transformed into a full dragon, the inherited god powers at last awakening in her, before the party's eyes. She was then reached out to by the lingering spirit of Zer0 thanks to one of the crystals, where he passed on his name and jacket to her, proud that she had at last become someone she was proud of. When the flames around her subsided, Kethryllia turned to the party, and telepathically delcared her name to be Zero, the first of the Zer0s to be a goddess, and the one to put an end to the sacrifices.  

Out of fear of the island being destroyed, her parents formed the Hand of the Mother Fray, and with the Great Mother cast a massive Plane Shift spell over the island, spiriting it away. They called out to her, fearing for her safety if she were to remain on that world, insisting she come to the newly formed world they had created for the island and its inhabitants. Just as she was about to turn to leave, Demitri grabbed onto one of her claws, begging she set aside the people she looked down on, and remember the innocent people, children, that she would be leaving to their fate. With a sigh, she remained behind, telling her parents she would shortly leave after aiding the "undeserving world" one last time. Raileigh tried to guilt her into staying, but she had grown jaded towards him, instead scoffing and mocking his need for "dragon supremacy" in his home Draconis, the underwater hidden Dragonborn city. 

With her friends, they flew into the tear in the sky, ready to face the Time Eater. It was a close call, as the party was flung into different eras, Kethryllia running after her friend Kerillian, who would have had to fight an extremely powerful massive enemy on her own. Calling on her magic, Kethryllia transformed herself into an Ancient Dragon form of herself, and grappled the monster, taking blows to create an opening for Kerillian. Like her mother before her, she held on tight despite receiving various severe wounds, in hopes of saving her friend. Just when it seemed she was going to lose her grip and collapse, the skies shattered as Demitri tore through time and reality with a pitch black scythe, arriving just in time to save the two women. He was awed and flustered by her holding the monster on her own, but shook it off as he opened another gateway to return to where the main body was. Eventually, the party managed to rally together and defeat the Time Eater, but Royce never returned, his disappearance finalized as he vanished from his memories. 

Eventually after the battle, the party gathered their wits at their castle. Demitri approached Kethryllia and asked if she would like to go on a date with him, to which she agreed awkwardly. Overhearing this were Raileigh and Kerillian, she watched as Raileigh stormed off to confront his friend as she left the kitchen. Raileigh and Kethryllia had a messy goodbye, him threatening to "take what he wants" after she rejected him, and Kethryllia scoffing as she retaliated saying she would kill him if he even laid a hand on her, a full dragon. The rest of the party intervened and Raileigh left. 

Eventually Kethryllia spirited Demitri away, after obtaining the book she had given Kerillian and asked she write all the knowledge she had been gifted to by her immortality and the time goddess. Valren went with her as well, seeing use in his gifted immortality, reborn body as a snake being thanks to her father, and Necromancy magic on her island home of Druvull, where it was not an outwardly demonized magic, unlike in their current world. 

In the newly formed Evrun, Kethryllia created a massive magical library out of her realm, the Grand Library of Irthyr, which would appear to anyone who seeked knowledge and called out to it. She eventually wed Demitri, who became the god of the dead Hades in Evrun, becoming affiliated with skeletons and the undead as much as knowledge.