


3 years, 5 months ago


Name: ConstellationMaker (Stella)

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Tribe(s): NightWing (teardrop)

Backstory/Info: When she hatched, her mother was bitten by a DragonBite Viper, she lived, but left her father thinking he didn't love her anymore. Stella hops between her father and mothers house, trying to live with both. She never really cared for her own life and instead tries to live in other dragons lives. Her step siblings and the other NightWIngs hate her for hatching outside of the NightWing village. She has mind reading powers, but refuses to tell anyone about them until she forgets and then tell them.  Her father, FateMaker is the only dragon who knows about her powers, and as a very protective dragon, he tries keeping his daughter away from all danger, never letting her go anywhere alone unless it was her mothers house, even then he was very catious about bringing her to the NightWing part of the forest. FateMaker has good intentions though, he doesn't want his only peice of family die.

 Stella attended a hybird school, though she isn't a hybrid. She stayed there until, for unknown reasons, disbanded. ConstellationMaker had to move back to the Rainforest and face the disapointment in her mother about not finishing a school. Her mother, already had a back up plan and had enrolled her into a NightWing school with her step siblings, NightFlower and CourageBreaker. She isn't looking forwards to it at all...


-Loves her parents a lot

-Trying to make them both happy

-Favorite fruit is bananas

-Forgets to tell others about hermind reading

-Only has mind reading