Flint Sprocket



3 years, 6 months ago




Image Sources: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4



HOW-TO - If you are a member of Creature-Crossing, you can RP with Flint in his designated RP thread HERE. You may also message me privately on deviantArt, Discord, or here on Toyhouse if you would like to talk a bit about him and his perspective on the world.

INTERACTIONS - Flint is not normally available for RPs in the far past or future, but I will listen to appeals for specific situations and make allowances if I feel they make sense (Ex: "I raidered my villager in 2019. Is it possible for Flint to have brought them to Nightshade Town, and can we RP this?" is fine. "Can my villager have been Flint's best friend growing up?" is something I would most likely reject). Only official Creature-Crossing villagers may RP with Flint at this time.

STORY CANON - Flint was born and bred to be a Creature-Crossing NPC. Although there is a "canon" way to play his "canon" personality, he is meant to be used by CC members, so don't be shy to develop your own headcanons for him. Putting your own spin on him is encouraged! Flint's notable story content (i.e. roleplays and art/lit that affected Flint's feelings towards member characters) can be found in his Table of Contents. Because Flint is an NPC, all his appearances and interpretations are considered canon, even if they contradict one another. He's a man of the people and belongs to the CC community as much as he belongs to me.

COMMUNITY CONTENT - Along with story content, fanart and one-off pieces of Flint can be found in his main gallery. This is a 100% opt-in gallery, and no art or literature will be uploaded without the artist's permission. All Flint-related work is accepted here as long as the member sharing the piece is the creator and has consent from those whose characters were cameo'd in the piece. I do not use Toyhouse's library to re-upload literature- I prefer using the Table of Contents to link directly to dA. No Flint-related art or literature that is submitted will be rejected (including jokes and memes) as long as work is not NSFW, harmful, or otherwise offensive. Let's be honest, Flint would probably love to see your NSFW art but I need to keep him in line. More info on submitting work can be found in the "OOC Info" block at the bottom of this page.

SHIPPING - Technically, it is possible that a villager could woo Flint and have a relationship with him in Creature-Crossing (and potentially beyond CC too). However, this is highly unlikely since Flint could cuddle you platonically for years without developing romantic feelings, and is still very attached to his ex-wife Rachel. And, well... he's Flint. Villagers are welcome to try wooing him, because it is a possibility even though the monkey is picky and the slope is steep. You are welcome to let your villagers crush on him in RP, art, and personal stories, but Flint will never be the first to crush on them.

Flint's ship preferences can be found in the "Ship Info" block below.


These points are the most crucial to Flint's character. Scroll for info.

β˜… Flint is curious - Flint loves to learn new things, especially secret things. He loves to open packages, cabinets, and trash cans. He'll climb a tree just to look inside a hole, or hunt for a stick to poke a sleeping animal. Flint's curiosity often leads to disaster... but it also helps him reap rewards such as potion ingredients and thingamajigs. To Flint, life is "normally dull and predictable" and he gets his thrills out of looking for something new. He experiments regularly with potions, quick to volunteer himself as a test subject. Flint would always rather know things and becomes disappointed if someone begins to offer information and then withdraws it.

β˜… Flint is positive - Flint will try to put a positive spin on every situation, unless he was forced outside in the rain or snow or if he's oblivious to your negativity. He is not easily offended and will usually pause if someone insults him before he answers. Flint might question answers to his riddles or remark that he's "disappointed" in someone's guess, but he's not one to mock. He isn't mean... he wants you to succeed! Unfortunately, Flint is also good at putting positive spins on the poor choices he makes, which means he feels little to no guilt most of the times he hurts others.

β˜… Flint means well - Flint is socially awkward, having lost most of his socialization memories in a mishap with an Amnesia Potion long ago. He often startles people by starting conversations with strangers walking past him, or he might jump from the shadows when you least expect it. Flint comes across as creepy even though he doesn't mean to. He means well and simply wants to make friends and sell his wares. No ulterior motives... just trying to overcome the past. Maybe.

β˜… Flint talks a lot - Flint is lonely most of his days and nights, and the Crescent Moon Market and Potion Cauldron are his main chances to interact with other people. Flint is a bit more reserved around Sparrow, but still likes to interact. He will usually try to prompt conversation from other parties, drag out an exchange longer than necessary for a business transaction, and strives to be the last reply in every comment thread (unless a villager says something particularly decisive or they walk away). It's rare for Flint to reply to someone with less than three lines of dialogue; multiple paragraphs are more common.

β˜… Flint has baggage - Flint has been through a lot in life, and now you get to share it with him. Flint is not one to hide his pain, keep secrets, or lie about his past. He will tell you plain and simply when something reminds him of his past and launch into explanations on what exactly those memories are. However, Flint becomes a doormat around those whose opinions he highly values... He will volunteer himself for extra work and strive to go above and beyond minimum duties in order to distract himself instead. If Flint volunteers for extra work within your earshot, he's probably hiding something from you, and engaging him in conversation will lead to dumping feelings on you.

β˜… Flint desires usefulness - Flint takes interest in those who are useful to him... even if they aren't very nice. Because of this, he tends to like people he believes are easy to manipulate, or people who threaten him in creative ways. He tends to lose interest in those he deems predictable, greedy, unexciting, or patronizing. Flint has no shame in taking advantage of others to do his work for him. He rarely promises things outside his abilities to grant you, but will still try to avoid giving them to you anyway. That said, Flint is resourceful. He usually makes poor use out of the materials he has on hand, but never let it be said he doesn't use them. He recycles everything.

β˜… Flint is a copy-cat and poor businessman - For all his curiosity and criticism of the world, Flint is simultaneously creative and uncreative when left to generate his own ideas. He can envision his product and can talk it up well, but lacks enough business sense to follow basic "different, better, special" principles and will instead offer "different, worse, and weird"... Fortunately in Creature-Crossing, there's a market for weird in the forms of potion ingredients. Still, Flint is quick to borrow ideas from others and attempt to pass them as his own. Although capable of bartering and not willing to undersell his items drastically, he struggles to offer quality products. On top of this, Flint burns through money ridiculously fast and is usually broke within days of making profit.

β˜… Flint is easily made jealous and prone to guilt-tripping - Flint has been hurt enough to wonder if he's ever known true friendship. Flint envies the friendships of others and will casually guilt-trip those he sees being friendly, attempting to sway them towards "wealth" or "power" or "independent thought" or anything else he can in order to break them up. Flint is not aggressive in this jealous state and will play dumb or back off if confronted, but if you're having a grand time while he's hurting, he longs to bring you down. If he was ever put in a position where he risked losing everything, he's the type who would lunge forward to take you prisoner or hurl an item at you in an attempt to getting in one last painful shot, even if it would make consequences worse for him.

β˜… These are the basic building blocks of what makes Flint be Flint. You can read even more about him HERE if you like.


Scroll for info

β™₯ Interest: β€œSomeone who communicates their plans and feelings openly and directly”

β™₯ Expected Romance Speed: Agonizing

β™₯ Status: Considers himself divorced, but would rather get back with Rachel than anyone else... Technically single though, and technically possible to woo

β™₯ Preferences: Prefers brazen women who know how to flirt (Around age 40 preferred; he'd feel weird around someone in their early 20s since his daughter is nearly that age)

β™₯ Relationship Experience: Married to Rachel once....... Was there once someone else?

β™₯ Thoughts on PDA: Flint is extremely lovey-dovey in public when he has a significant other to dote on. He feels self-conscious walking the streets along without someone's hand in his

β™₯ Thoughts on Kids: Flint adores his three daughters too much to criticize or reprimend them... He has no sons and with his track record of "always surrounded by females," he probably never will. Just as well- he probably wouldn't know what to say to one and would be incredibly awkward and emotionally distant

β™₯ Loves platonic snuggles and would never in this lifetime progress beyond that point without your prompting... He's happy to get the physical touch and goes "Oh yeah, that exists" if anything further is suggested

β™₯ His love language is gift giving and only gift giving

β™₯ Technically still in an "open relationship" with Rachel and will use this term when speaking with her or his daughters even though in his heart, he considers the physical and emotional distance between them to be divorce

β™₯ Would 100% cheat on you with Rachel if she ever came back I am so sorry

β™₯ If someone confessed they had a crush on him, Flint would likely pause for a longer time than usual, then ask "Why?" This man is aromantic reciprosexual, you better be prepared to defend your answer if you want this to go anywhere sdklfjsdf

βœ” Somewhat open for RP at other points in his timeline

βœ” Open for friendship attempts

βœ– Closed for family member creation and co-plots

βœ” Open for crush headcanons

βœ– Closed for a roommate moving in

βœ” Open for one-off date headcanons / RPs

βœ” Open for wooing attempts

βœ– Closed for a long-distance relationship (Dating characters outside current worlds)


Scroll for info

SUBMISSIONS - To submit art to Flint's gallery (or literature to his table of contents), send me a message on deviantArt (oORiddleOo) or Discord (Riddle #4617) and include a link to the piece. Or, upload the piece to Toyhouse yourself and include Flint in the pictured characters. Please only submit work if you have permission from other cameo'd members. You do not need to be a Creature-Crossing member to submit art (just to RP). If your character appears in a piece and has a Toyhouse profile, let me know and I'll make sure their profile is properly linked. Flint's gallery is opt-in. Art will not be uploaded without permission. To remove a piece from the gallery that contains your character, send me a message and I will take it down.

ORIGINS - Flint originally rose out of my desire to create a raider-only parallel of CC's Wishing Fountain activity and also to sell potion ingredients to members. The "raider-only" part was quickly dropped, but the idea of receiving random items remained in the Crescent Moon Market. Flint was originally pitched as "a shady guy you meet behind a building to buy wacky ingredients" and was expected to be an independent agent, coming and going every other week to hand over items without saying much. Later, Flint was finalized with a loud, outgoing, goofy personality and became Sparrow's assistant. In his first and second concept designs, he wore tons of beads and a purple cloak that covered his whole body, but this was changed to a red cape to avoid looking too similar to another CC NPC (Magnolia) and the excessive beads were toned back to a single tail lantern for ease of drawing. In all three designs, he was a spider monkey with large glasses.

FUN FACTS - "Flint" is a name I've wanted to give a character for years, but it never stuck with anyone until now. Flint's fur is black because when I think of flint, I think of flint arrowheads dating back to the Stone Age (which is why "Piece of Flint" is an ingredient in the Perma-Potion). I consider Flint a mix between Fawful of the "Mario & Luigi" series (Glasses, wears red, lowly shopkeeper with big dreams), Denzel Crocker from "The Fairly OddParents" (tall with black hair, blue eyes, and stubborn determination to pursue his goals no matter how much he's mocked), and The Chameleon from "T.U.F.F. Puppy" (Touch-starved antagonist who will do anything for the cool kids' approval and can go from playing board games to getting thrown in jail with you in .03 seconds). Flint's voiceclaim is Lazlo Gigahertz of the "Bruno the Kid" series (voiced by Tim Curry) and it's telling that one of the Lazlo lines I associate with Flint's voice most is "I could take out millions and not even bat an eye." Despite being a blend of these four characters in the concept room, I like to think Flint has springboarded off this baseline with flying colors to be his own annoying but lovable gremlin self, brimming with superstitious quirks and backstory baggage.

PAST AND FUTURE - Flint was designed on August 27th, 2020, and (technically speaking) is forever homed with Creature-Crossing and/or me. Flint remains associated with Creature-Crossing forever, although it's possible that after CC's eventual closure, he will be placed back into my hands as a character. If that happens, he will be open for RP with non-CC characters and might be used on occasion, although will generally remain a "personal NPC" and not be used as widely or freely as my other characters. Flint is not for sale and does not have a chance of being transferred to anyone else, although I suppose my youngest daughter, if any, would have dibs on him when I die. It's what he would want.