🔭 Arkham 🔭 (Mirror Mirror)



6 years, 4 months ago


Arkham packed away all her valued possesions. In this mix included her  starry neckercheif, a star plush that always pulled the same smiley  expression, and her golden heart locket, an heirloom that had been  passed down every generation, she was given it by her mother, who  inherited from hers and so on.

The last possesion was a photograph, it included her in the middle, her parents and her younger twin brothers.

The  reason Arkham was packing was mainly becasue she needed a break, a  chance to find herself. She was not running away, she spoke to her  parents and they supported her decision, her father being more resilient  for a while. He was always protective of the family, he had trained her  in self defense when she was only 10.

Her mother eventually made him see reason, and they both agreed to let her go, after all, she was nearly an adult now.

However  this was not the only reason. Her childhood friend, Grimm, is in  danger. He is being targeted by another friend, Wade, who had told her  himself before leaving. She was not sure why Wade had chosen this life,  the three were good friends once. She didn't have time to ponder what  could of been and what is, she had to get to Grimm and let him know.

She  picked up her suitcase and glanced at herself in the dressing table  mirror. The girl had known solitude most of her life before they came  into it, and was forced back into it when things fell apart and they  both left for military lives. She was truly alone in the world now.

A  few years should help her cool down. Her astronomy studies had been  going downhill over the past year, she was constantly stressed out. The  last thing she wanted was to fail her astronony studies. Perhaps during  her travels she would do some stargazing, perhaps she would meet some  new people and make some friends.

She walked to her bedroom door,  turing to take one last look before walking out into the hallway.  Walking past her brothers room she thought of how when she got back,  Snake will have joined the miltary, perhaps bringing Raiden with him.  She walked down the stairs that leaded to the main hall before stopping  at the giant mahogony doors. With a slight struggle, she opened one of  the towering doors to the outside, walking to the main gates and looking  at the mansion that had been her home for all her life, her fortress of  solitude.

Looking away and taking a deep breath she continued  down the street where she would catch a bus to the train station and  then start her new life.