🪖 Grimm 🪖 (That fine line)



6 years, 7 months ago


He kept looking out the window as the kid looked at him. Well..not so  much a kid anymore, he was a man now, and it was becasue of Grimm he had  grown this way.

Snake looked at Grimm, waiting. He had been called  into Grimms quarters for a talk. It felt like only yesterday that Snake  had gotten onto the helicopter with Grimm, and taken back to their base  where he was trained by Grimm himself. It had actually been 7 Years.

Snake  had done so much growing this time, phyisically and mentally. Grimm was  looking a lot older and tired these days, one of the reasons Snake had  been called up. Snake was well aware of the situation with Wade trying  to destroy their operation, he had been told many times it was their  highest priority, but the man is a ghost. Nobody had any idea where Wade  was hiding and nobody knew his next move.

People on base are  starting to talk, maybe their boss isn't as well suited to sort this out  as they though. Over 10 years and nothing had changed, many soldiers  killed by Wades hand alone, and nothing Grimm could do to stop it.

But  maybe there is hope. He looked up at Snake, the best soldier on the  base. Quick, smart, strong and all the things Grimm couldn't be. If  anyway is going to lead them to victory, its going to be him. Grimm  would step down from his postition and let Snake take charge. Grimm  would stick around until he could find a good oppurtunity to dissapear.  Grimm didn't want this life anymore, he was no longer fighting for his  belieifs, he was simply fighting to survive. It was time to escape,  become a ghost to the world and start a new life elsewhere.

Grimm  and Snake sat down. Hours passed as the two taked about the situation,  and what the plan was. Eventually they both agreed, Snake would be in  charge now and Grimm would only stick around for a short time to make  sure everything goes smoothly. After that, Snake would be on his own to  do with the army Grimm had built as he wishes.

Grimm stood up and put down his coffee cup, he grabbed his jacket and went to the door before turning his head to Snake.

'We're all counting on you...boss'