🐍 Snake 🐍 (An eye for an eye pt 1 (Snake))



6 years, 4 months ago


The still young apprentice of Grimm looked out the  window of the chopper, eager to start the mission he looked up at his  boss, whom was also looking out the window. Grimm didn't seem as proud  and bold as he used to, the sparkle in the war hero's eyes had all but  extinguished.

John had always looked up to  Grimm, since he was a child and was introduced to him by his sister,  Arkham. Now was not the time to start thinking back on fond memories, he  had a tough mission ahead of him that he was handpicked by the boss  himself for.

"You'll be going alone, son....you understand the risks?"

The grizzled war vet spoke, still looking out the window. Something was clearly bothering him, but John dare not ask.

"Yes sir"

He  kept his replies short, with a hint of confidence so Grimm wouldn't  have second thoughts of sending him. Grimm does not reply, almost as if  he didn't hear him at all. John knew he did though and continued to sit  in silence.

An  hour or so passes until they are finally at their destination. The  mission was planned to be commenced at 19:00, though they were a few  miniutes early. The chopper lowered to the ground and John slided open  the door, jumping out with no hesitation. He took in his surroundings,  the open space and the rocky hillsides that boxed him in. There really  was no escape if he tried, better not screw up. He turned to the chopper  to see if his leader had any last words for him.

"...Good luck, kid....come home in one piece will ya'?"

Grimm  looked at him, a slight sparkle of hope in his eyes that his apprentice  would survive the suicidal task he had set before him.

John simply nodded in response, confidence in his posture and a wave of pride about him.

"Oh  and one more thing...we are using codenames on this, to throw the enemy  off our trail. You will address me as Hound from now on, you will be  addressed as Snake. Do not answer to anyone who calls you otherwise.  Understand?"

He gives John a stern glance, to  which he nods once again. Grimm nods back and closes the chopper door,  which promptly starts to raise up and soar away.

Snake looked at the path ahead of him and started his long walk to the location of interest.

An  hour or two passed till he finally reached the veiwpoint he had planned  on setting up on. Ahead on the point was small village, the place Snake  would find the info he was sent to retreive. He lay on his front in the  hard, rubbled ground, covered by the grass surrounding him. He took out  his binoculars and scanned the villiage, counting at least 10 contacts.  He would like to avoid contact as much as possible.

Another  few hours pass, Snake still lay in the ground, waiting for a time to  strike. He examined his binoculars but...noticed something strange. He  could see what appeared to be a glint of light in the reflection of the  lenses? He examined it closely. The sparkle seemed to be coming off  something metallic in the distance coming off the hill directly behind  him. Closer inspection showed a dark figure holding said metallic  object...the object pointing straight at him.

Was  he being watched this whole time? A whole villiage of soldiers was  before him and behind him was an unknown figure, presumably aiming  straight at him. Snake was totally boxed in, frozen to the spot as he  feared what would happen if he tried to move. He looked beck down at the  binocular lenses to see the figure and the metallic object were gone.  He wasn't sure if he should be worried or relieved, but took the chance  to move anyway, adjusting himself.

He  stopped dead still as he heard a snap behind him. Quickly pulling out  his weapon, he turned onto his back and aimed up, looking around as he  tried to locate the source of the noise.

Suddenly, pain hit his head, everything went black.

He  woke up, everything still a little blurry as he came to. He tried to  move, but was restrained. Looking down, he realized a rope around him,  connecting to a tree behind him. He started to struggle with panic.

"Planning on leaving so soon are we? We havn't even started the party yet!"

Snake  turned his head to see a tall figure, green eyes sparkling in the  moonlight, along with his toothy, menacing grin. Snake instantly  recognized him. The pshycopathic assassin that had been ordered to take  out his boss.

The mercenary know as Wade.

"Ahhh, guess the big man told you about me huh? He really must care about me"

The pshyco chuckled to himself, pulling out one of his hand guns and cocking it. Snake stayed silent

"I  was actually dissapointed when I found you weren't him, just some damn  kid. 3 hours, i sat and watched you, thinking I had finally caught him. 3  DAMN HOURS!"

He  looked down at Snake with the same crazy eyes Grimm had told him about,  this was no longer a man that stood before him. More of a monster.

"Nevermind...I  will just have to kill you, just so I can feel a little better about my  time that you wasted....though one measly soldier wont pay off such  debts..."

Wade  moves closer to Snake, squatting beside him. He reaches for Snakes dog  tags, ripping them off and examining them. Suddenly his eyes light up, a  toothy smile stretching across his face. He starts to laugh.

"Well  well, John...it appears you're not such a wast of time after all! Why,  you're only one of Arkham Brias' brothers!...that little bitch is just  as much a nuiscence as your boss. This IS exiting."

Snake  grits his teeth and lunges as much as he can as the mercenary insults  his sister. He was not prepared to let Wade touch her, or any of his  family.

"Oh calm  down now, twinkle eyes. I'm not gonna hurt her....well, not anytime soon  anyway. But I am gonna send her a message, along with your starbucks  frappecinno looking ass boss."

He looks over Snake, examining his features. He eyes keep being drawn to that of Snake's.

"You know, I'm suddenly sick of looking at those pretty blues...lets fix that shall we?"

Grinning  once more, he aims he gun striaght at Snake's right eye, Snake dead  still, ready to take any punishment that befalls him, if it meant taking  a bullet for his family.

A sudden, shocking  pain ran through his body, vision in his right eye had dissapered  completely. His heart beat racing as he involentarily screams in agony.  Blood covered the right side of his face and trickled down his cheek.  Wade sat and watched with glee, enjoying Snakes pain.

"We're  only half done here and I'm already having a ball! Just consider  yourself lucky I'm sparing your life. I know, I know, I'm too kind  sometimes. I'm practically a saint!"

He  laughs to himself as Snakes screams die down, Wade getting ready to  take another shot at the other eye. Snake looked straight at the gun, no  fear in his expression as he accepted his fate.

A  whirring noise could be heard faintly in the distance. Wade stopped and  looked up, gritting his teeth as he recognized Grimm's chopper. He  looked back at Snake and smirked.

"Don't you worry, John...I WILL finish the job one day, just you wait..."

He  ran into the bushes and out of sight. Still in pain, but relieved,  Snake leaned back, panting and grunting. His vision was fading as he was  starting to pass out. His last sight before blacking out was his  commander, carrying him to the chopper.

A look of guilt in his no longer sparkling eyes.