Meallán Muiredach



7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info



Name meaning

Lightning Lord


Name:  Meallán Muiredach (Lightning Lord) 

Gender: Male

Meallán's egg was colored like a raging storm with flashes of lightning seeming to dance across the shell of his egg. Those who went near it before he hatched could swear they felt static electricity building quickly for no reason. Often touching the egg would deliver a little shock as if you had rubbed your feet over a shag carpet then tried to touch something metal. The night he hatched much like on his egg there was a raging storm, and when the largest of the lightning bolts that evening struck the ground that was the instant his egg cracked in half spilling him into the nest. His scales dancing with small sparks for the first few moments, seen only by the most observant of people. Being young yet he has little control over the little busts of electricity that escape his mouth or form when he gets excited, and the family has been adjusting with little spells and simple prevention's to keep everyone safe from the little charges knowing they will continue to grow in strength as he does. His favorite sibling currently is the tiniest, Peanut, who revels in playing hide and seek with his little sibling. The game driving half the family crazy with the way the two hide dang near any and everywhere, leaving many checking corners and small hidey holes before attempting to enjoy themselves with a loved one if the moment needs some privacy.