




Full name: Dustin

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Feline

Birthday: October 25

Age: 6 Years

Parental figure(s): Unknown

Friends: Bandit, Yolen

Lover(s): Goldielocks

Positive Traits: Kind, sweet, caring, silly

Negative Traits: Nervous, anxious, bossy

Dustin is a sweet and silly cat.  His favorite games are tag and chasing yarn.  He is often shy though and in result he gets bullied by other cats.  He is best friends with Bandit, they love to wrestle together, but Bandit sometimes is not so nice to Dustin.  Mostly because he is bullies by Bandit's other friends and Bandit tries to fit in.

Dustin grew up as a stray kitten.  He was scrawny and famished until another young kitten came along.  His name was Bandit.  Bandit started leaving bits of his dinner for Dustin; but Bandit didn't tell his parents.  But one day, he found Dustin lying on the ground, obviously hurt.  He had no choice but to bring Dustin to his house.  His parents were incredibly upset, but had no time to show it as they were caring and wanted to help Dustin.  In the end, they found out he had been beat up by other boys, and scratched in the eyes.  He was left blind, and also has a scar on his stomach, from another scratch.  Bandit's parents wished Bandit had told them, because they let Dustin live with them.  Now, he lives a fairly happy life with Bandit's family.