Annabel Lucy Tethaniil



7 years, 1 month ago


"I wanna scream!"

Name: Annabel Lucy Tethaniil

Nickname: Anna, Anny, Bella

Gender: Female

DOB: September 30th

Zodiac: Niithus

Age: 20

Height: 5'2 ft

Weight: 10.2 stone

Build: Skinny and short

Element: Sound (Internalised)

Class: Civilian

Location: Eyeus Royal Lands, the Orchersi household.

Occupation: Maid

Weapon(s): None

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: Annabel is a gentle girl who is easily lead by others. Once she picks a side, she sticks to it and grows stubborn to any opposition - even when her side is proven to be bad. Her loyalty is undying. She is however easily swayed by those she finds attractive. She hates being called cute and short by the guards, often going out of her way to prove herself to others. However, in dangerous situations, she either runs or lets out her powerful scream. She's one to be trusted to follow orders unless her best friend Lexi has anything to do with it.


Annabel came from a family of musicians, she used to play music for her parents and was a star music pupil at school. She had a beautiful voice until one day during a contest she strained it and hasn't been able to sing correctly since.

Annabel much like many children was stolen from her bed and brought to Esilis by King Aktin. Her family were unable to pursue her and she was trapped in Esilis along with the other children. She was soon collected by Marie, and taken to the orphanage in Entrulus City. There she had a minimal life but wished for change. 

Currently, she works as a maid in the Orchersi household. 



- Best friends with Lexi. 

- Easily mislead. Naive.

- Can let out a paralysing scream when distressed.