


3 years, 6 months ago


Montana's personality: She is very sweet and gentle. She also loves to give warm bear hugs. She has a soft spot for children. And her favorite foods are honey, fish, berries, and fruit. She also loves to rescue abandon baby animals and raise them as her own. She use to have her own cub and her mate at one point but something tragic happen to them. But she still has that mother instinct to care for others. Normally bears would eat smaller animals especially baby animals. But Montana is different after losing her mate and her cub to some hunters. She has felt the need to raise those who have been abandoned.

Montana can be some what shy at time and who could blame her? After all that she has been through. But she is coming around. She has gotten use to Backbone and I. And we both are helping her see that not all humans are bad. She is good around other animals but not so well around humans besides myself. Montana and I have quite the bond. She would do anything for me. It's almost as if she thinks I am her little bear cub.

Note: As to how she lost her mate and her cub will come later. I am thinking about possibly writing a book about it. But I have to finish the other one that I started before I start Montana's story.