Ceph (Ceph (Bugsona))



10 months, 1 day ago


Please be aware this is my personal sona.

A sentient cordyceps mushroom that prefers to hijack corpses over living bugs to use as bodies only for the fact that the dead do not need to have their thoughts suppressed. He can control a living bug if he really wants to move but their thoughts will project back to him, with varying results. He changes to a complementary color when controlling a living or dead bug. It is unknown if the red color is his natural color, it may possibly be a trick into making people think he is a poisonous amanita mushroom. He uses mycelium to substitute missing limbs, however it also bursts out in random spots. He often uses a corpse of a bee, a golden stag, or a scorpion.

The bee disguise is often used for casual purposes or travel as the light body and flying are easy to manage as well as fast. Among his three usual corpses, this one is kept in the best condition.

The golden stag disguise is used for defensive purposes, having combined the tough carapace with extra mycelium underneath to cushion blows. This corpse is in pretty decent condition despite the numerous blows it has blocked while in use. This one is used less often due to being a bit heavy and slow for his tastes.

The scorpion disguise is used for offensive purposes, however he cannot produce venom like a living one so instead he uses his own spores on attackers. The corpse has many holes that are covered by mycelium which while adding to the terrifying appearance, adds more easy to find weakspots. He uses this corpse often due to it being surprisingly light.