
And we end this Ace streak with a pair of Twins, Twins that actually got made in the original V1 and are now getting their return for Ace of Hearts!

Again, the fact that I made them first but didn't get to their pop-pop till this second go around really tells you my thought process for making characters back then: Incoherrent, out of order and picking favorites. Not the most ideal way to build a cast.

Of course now I have things better structured, typically going through characters in the order they'll appear in, while occasionally going off route because some habits die hard I guess!

Anyways, for this last stop for Ace, let's meet the Good Doctor's lovely daughters, The Scientific Wonder Twins, Alpha and Beta!


Name: Alpha/Beta Knockford
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 6′9″
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: High School Student,
Nationality: British-American
Home City: Diamond Star, New Barnum
Likes: Daddy dearest, finally being let out into the greater public, Ballet dancing/Monty Python's Flying Circus, British humor, anything cold
Dislikes: Sourness, the fear of disappointing dad at school, Uncle Maximilian/Uncle Maximilian, Not getting her way, the feeling that she and her sister are being used for nefarious perposes
Favorite Food: Beef Wellington/Double Cheeseburger from McDonalds
Personality: Cheeryful, Bubbly, surprisingly sophisticated/Quiet, Calm, Stone-cold, childish at times
Fighting Style: Freeform
Piero-Ken and Ability: Level 7

-Bionic Physiology

Includes (but not limited to):

-Bio-Mechanical Constructs

-Data Manipulation


-Gun Protusion

-Robot Arm

-Scanner Vision

-Scientific Weaponry

-Technology Manipulation

-Enhanced/Supernatural Condition

Also of note, Alpha prefers Pyrokinesis, while Beta dabbles in Cryokinesis


Born of flesh, metal and a dark desire to play god, Alpha and Beta are the result of one man's tireless resolve in the face of rejection by the greater scientific community and the want to have a happy family again.

Cloned from the DNA of his deceased daughter Analise, along with various cybernetic enhancements thanks in part to Maximilian's involvement in this project, Belarious Knockford spent the past 17 year toiling away in his lab, perfecting his new daughters. The cheery, crimson laced Alpha and her stoic, ice cold twin sister Beta.

Armed to the teeth with built-in weapons and combat knowledge with rubber skin and metal skeletons tougher than diamonds, nothing could knock down this pair of well dressed sweethearts. And after 16 years of secrecy, it's time for them to finally make their big public appearance with a simple task at hand: Attend the local high school, blend in with the student body and find anyone who might be a source of the Piero-Ken energy that powers their robotic implants and such...
