Evgeny Harlow



3 years, 4 months ago



Evgeny Harlow 

Lapis lucet!

An eastern-born jeweler, Evgeny once settled in a town where he could perfect his practice, in a small house nestled away from the majority of humans and wizards on the outskirts of Eastern Country. Centuries of isolation encouraged by a paranoia of humans instilled in him by his former teacher bred a yearning to meet others, leading to him eventually building up a reputation amongst the people he lived among and even outside that area as a “kind old woman” who could find a solution to nearly any problem she came across. Eventually taking in a student who sought him (being the first in centuries to sleuth out his magical heritage,) Evgeny found great joy in what he interpreted as his first real connection. However, once the two parted ways, Evgeny grew extremely ill in a way that his treasures could not prevent, only saved by the return of their student again decades later. Albeit with the ulterior motive of profiting off of Evgeny’s identity and reputation, Evgeny was cared for by his student so long as he stayed inside, allowing the other to take up his outfit, work, and name. This trust appeared to be misplaced when his student turned his own reputation against him, threatening to worsen the illness and turn his refuge against him unless he completely surrendered his place and identity. Back on the road with his travel companion Jonah after nearly a millennia of safety and armed with a paranoia heightened by the fresh memory of betrayal, Evgeny continues to seek out the connection that eluded him before, whether aware of it or not.

Basic Info

Affiliation: Eastern Country

Age: Early 1000s

Height: 175cm

Birthday: April 2nd

Skill: Protective amulets

Magic tool: A string of glass beads

Mana Area: Village on a snowy night

Amulet: Diamond ring

Likes: works of delicate craftsmanship, shiny adornments, exciting people and places

Dislikes: traveling long distances, silence, exciting people and places


Evgeny carries himself with an anxious and insecure disposition, but his outward manner unfolds to reveal a capable and fiercely loyal wizard. His hot and cold personality lends to his tendency to be easily excited but just as quickly depressed. His nervousness is contrasted by a surprising recklessness and undaunting approach to things one might considering frightening --with the exception of other people. Upon being asked to do something, he may act reluctant, but he always concedes, both out of kindness and an eagerness to be praised. He believes in the inherent good of others despite his initial paranoia of their intentions. 

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