


7 years, 1 month ago


Concept Art by Sanei Mocchin belong to Syrinq Design belongs to Jaquel

 Paid ~$80 for design $5 for hidden trait slot

Name: Cain
Gender: Masculine Genderfluid
Height: ~3'
Weight: ~30 lbs???
Age: Equivalent of ~19/20 human years.
Lives: Alone
Relationship status: Closed to anything serious. Open to flings.
Powers: Small scale plant manipulation.
Diet type: Herbivore
Skills: Anything plant related, smooth talking, detail oriented work.
Hobbies: Gardening, sewing, surprisingly baking, sitting very still and watching the wildlife of his forest.
Favourite food: Fresh baked acorn bread.
Least favourite food: Fish! Yuck!

Cain is a shallow, cynical, and ill-tempered mage mocchi with the ability to manipulate plants on a small scale with magic. (thats allowed right?)
He is highly manipulative and self centered, and very slow to trust. He doesn't quite perceive other mocchi as beings with lives and feelings.
When confronted with the fact that someone has positive feelings about him, he doesn't know what to do besides lash out.
He enjoys spending time alone around his isolated forest home, watching the animals around him. A few claim to have seen him reach out and stroke a deer calmly, and others say they've seen him with all sorts of small critters taking a ride on his shoulders & scurrying after him...


Skin: Skin | C
Mask: "Other" shape | UC
Face: 2 mouths | UC
Clothing: Living poncho and dank accessories | Mage
Other: Tail | C
Other: 4 arms | Hidden