[Main Sona] Zomaotic



3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Songlist to be updated at a later time. Am lazy | Is missing some images, will resize when able


No Matter What

"We're all dumbfucks if ya think about it"

Nickname: Zoma, Zom, Zombie
Age: Unknown, appears 22
Species: Undead Demon
Pronouns: Any, usually He/Him
Sexuality: Asexual Demiromantic
Relationship Status: Dating

Zomaotic is my main sona and the one I put alot of myself into. Essentially he's just me as a character more or less. I draw him quite often, especially shitposts, of him hanging out with sona's of friends.


Zoma is an overlyenergetic, rather excited dude who just wants to have a good time. He is often easily distracted, focus being a great struggle for him, as well as his memory being bad due to his lack of focus. However, he does not let this stop him from just being himself. He is quite sappy, and cares very deeply about others regardless if he knows them or not. Struggles with loving himself, much rather focusing on worrying about others then himself, tho he has been getting better at selflove due to help from those closest to him.

Born a human, Zoma simply just lived his life until the day of his death. He does not remember much about it, only that it involved him drowning and being wounded. It wouldn't be for many years that he was brought back to life by accident, a demon summoning ritual gone wrong that instead brought him back to life. He woke as a demon, one long dead and bound to the planet, no longer being able to pass on, with no memory of his previous life. It took quite a long time for him to get used to used to it all, many years and accidents. He wouldn't find the world to be enjoyable until he finally meet the loves of his life, andmany friends, people he could care deeply for and ones who also cared about him.

  • Affection
  • FOOD, especially sweets & MILKSHAKES
  • Dragons, Mythical Creatures, Norse Mythology
  • More to come! I am lazy :P
  • DOLLS, especially antique/lifelike (artwork only exception)
  • Fighting, Chaos (the hurtful kind)
  • Too deep water (If he can't touch the bottom he panics)
  • More to come! I am lazy :P

  • He can't die. Zoma is more or less immortal, cursed and bound to a planet where he can never move on. It took many years, and many failed deaths, before he finally came to accept the state he was in. People can kill him, but he alwyays just comes back. With how many times he has been killed, whether by himself, another, or just by accident he has a journal to keep track of them all. His poor ability to remember, hold memories and keep focus is partly due to all the deaths he has gone through.
  • Zoma does have magic! He prefers to not really use it but he is capable of small spells. Usually, he just summons portals to get from one place to another or summons his weapon if it is needed. There is potential for stronger magic he can use but he would rather not get to a point where it is needed.
  • Despite hating fighting, his weapon of choice are axes, specically ones made for battle. He has many that he can summmon of various sizes and shapes, each with different uses. Why does he have them? Hell is hard, it ain't fun down there to Zoma and sometimes ya gotta defend yourself
  • Affection gets zoma to cry. Not in a bad way, in a hes really happy way. He struggles heavily with selflove, and having people that care about him telling how much they appreciate him just gets him all sappy and emotional. He always denies every statement but he does really appreciate the kind words deeply, they mean more to him then some really realize.
  • While one would think anything having to do with water would be a no go for him considering how he ended up here, Zoma actually REALLY loves to swim! He loves the water and enjoys having fun in it... as long as his feet can touch the floor that is. Despite essentially being a waterlogged corpse at times with how long he loves to stay in the water if given the opportunity to swim, in an weird way he finds it very peaceful and relaxing. As long as he can touch the bottom and still be above water, as soon as he can't reach the bottom he starts to heavily panic and starts to drown, causing all sorts of panic and terrible memories to flood his mind. Thankfully this dosen't happen often as he stays clear from where he knows its too deep
  • More to come! I am lazy :P
Design Notes

  • DO NOT DRAW HIS EYES. Personal reason why, eyes are ALWAYS hidden by his hair regardless of the angle he is drawn at
  • Horns, Tail and Neck Chain are NOT REMOVEABLE AND NOT OPTIONAL.
  • The Knife in his head can be shown, not shown, be on either side of his head or just be any sort of sharp objects (Harpoon, Cleaver, etc). The knife is just the most common there.
  • Right arm is a skeleton arm! However it is just what is shown, it can detach and be reatached. If it's too hard to draw, just make it a prosthetic arm with a simple skeleton pattern

Yeah his ref sheet is rather simple for now, one day I will make a real nice one. Nothing much else to note for him, just don't draw him naked (reason why their no ref of his body atm) and clothing wise he can be wearing pretty much any hoodie, I own a collection of em and so does he


NOTE! Not all of the songs found within this playlist are representative of my Sona or me, 99% of these songs are just songs I found neat that got stuck in my head for one reason or another.

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Klove Boyfriend

One of the love's of his life, zoma is practically head over heels for him. Klove is just this overlytired but caring alien boyfriend that he can't help but become super sappy for. He has made his life so much better and zoma just wants to spend the rest of days by his side

Virgil Eztil Boyfriend

The other love of his life, Zoma adores Virgil so much. Virgil is just his big ole cuddlebug of a werevamp boyfriend that he can't help but snuggle up against. He makes him so happy, he dosen't know what he'd do ithout him

Noire Ashbourne Absolute Best Friend

Noire is someone that Zoma looks up to immensly. The two are practically inseperable at times, both being very close to eachother. Zoma dosen't know how far he would have gotten in life if it weren't for him, the rat always looking out for him and giving advice. He still wonders how Noire tolerates him despite how close they are

Wacko Best Friend

Someone with as much energy as he has, Zoma and Wacko get along really well. The two are always up to some kinda chaos when hanging around eachother regardless of what it is

Eni Close Friend

Another gremlin Zoma enjoys hanging out with, the enigma is someone he can sorta relate to in a way. They enjoy just causing abit of chaos while being their energetic selves, tho zoma can sometimes be confused by their actions. Absolutely wonders if their like a tv ghost kinda deal when they say their an enigma

Spacey Friend

Whenever there is lore, there is Spacey! Zoma loves listening to everything Spacey has to say with wonder, their always so full of interesting knowledge and ideas that it makes keeping up with them tricky sometimes. Regardless, he enjoys their company.. and wonders if their space hair is edible

Lian Friend

Good math loving friend! Their abit hard on him sometimes but zoma really appreciates it actually, they help him keep focus when he is distracted as always. Their a blast to hangout with in his opinion, and are always willing to help out

Continue Later relation

List is being stopped at this point as alotta people don't actually have their sona's on toyhouse where I can link em, or I just dont have the link. Anyways am lazy


Name relation
