


7 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info




Middle aged (7 years)


Wolfdog (wolf, great dane, belgian shepherd groenendael)

Height (shoulders), weight

73 cm, 25 kg


Febele (mother), Neela (sister, deceased), Gallows (mate-ish thingy), couple deceased pups



Weena is rather tall but more or less anorectic being, who's crippled by her own, sickly mental health. She's got long, bony legs; long fur on neck, tail and chest area; pointy ears, notably curved tail, long and narrow ears, long claws, and slender skull. She's also got one bad, unhealed wound on her throat, and because of it she can't breath properly; she sounds like Kayako from the Grudge when inhaling. The wound also tends to bleed and pile up blood and slime in her trachea, making her couch and gack from time to time. It also decreases Weenas durability quite a bit, making her physically weak and rather easy opponent in fights. The wound has also created a liquid lump under it, which also presses her trachea.

Her colouration is very dark; base color is jet black, but she's got grey markings in her face, neck and paws. Some darker grey areas she's got in her neck, face, back and tail.


Schizophrenia; the word which tells much about her personality. Weena's life drove her crazy, recklessly and cruelly, and these days she's quite much totally crippled by this disease. She can be quite delusional, she's lost her touch with reality, she hears things, she sees things, and thus her behaviour is unstable and erratic. She's not malevolent though, not purposefully, but she can potentially be dangerous due to her mental health being as poor as it is. Weena is also emotionally rather cold, and she can even kill without feeling any remorse.


Weena's life has always been rough. She and her sister were born to a mentally unstable mother, who had gone through quite much in her miserable life, just because she descended from one dog whose name was still greatly feared. And this hate continued with her children, who became familiar with all sorts of viciousness at very young age. Oddly, neither of them developed bad mental issues back then, but life still was harsh; so harsh, that Neela ended up leaving. Weena stayed with her mother for reason or another; maybe she was just too afraid of the unknown world around the town she used to live in, even though living there was hard.

Yet, eventually, Weena left too. When her mother suddenly disappeared, she finally decided to look around better, and soon after settled down outside the town where she was born, she met Gallows. He was one of the first ones to not treat Weena badly, and in her confused thankfullness she fell in love with him. Unfortunately Gallows though Weena only as a friend, and even though Weena ended up being pregnant with Gallows' pups, it wasn't happy family life that waited for her; Gallows left her alone. The abandonment caused Weena to return to the town she was so familiar with, for she believed it would be easier for her to take care of hew newborn back there, but she was wrong; the pups were only one month when they were brutally killed by a human. Weena tried to defend them, but she only ended up having that horrendous wound in her throat and nearly died.

She was saved by a local vet, from which Weena escaped before she was completely healed. When she got back in the nature, she ironically enough met Gallows again, and even though what has happened to her had changed her and caused her to be somewhat bitter to him, they managed to make up. Weena wasn't really able to swallow her desperate love for him, though, and when she learned Gallows had chosen Neela to be his mate, Weena quite much lost it: she murdered Neela when she had just given birth to Gallows' pups. And it didn't end there, because some months later the paths of these former friends crossed again; for some reason Gallows couldn't bring himself to kill Weena, but he took his revenge by other means.

Or at least he tried to. He locked Weena up, he tried to take control upon her, but she didn't actually submit.


  • Weena's inspiration is my own, older character, Turmatar.
  • (Also yes, she shares nearly the same info with Turma.)