


7 years, 29 days ago



Jazzy, Jazzer






Bunnboy (it's a bunny, it's a boy, it's a bunboi)


He's laid back and easygoing, a fan of vibrant colors and energetic music, he dreams of being an

electronic musician and DJing big events... if he only had the money for the equipment he needed.

He likes to spend his free time dancing and his favorite ways of exercising usually involve yoga or

high-energy dance routines. He's highly susceptible to cuddles and if you hug him he'll turn into a

 slinky little bunny puddle in your arms. He always looks tired, but he's a secret fountain of energy

waiting to find an outlet. His hobbies include partying way too hard and stealing peoples clothes

because he finds their scent comforting. Do not take him to the club he will dance with literally

everyone and flirt like a monster. 


 He was raised in a large household, where his parents were constantly busy. If you were to ask

him, he was really raised by his older brother (the only one he really cares to remember) and it

was this brother that always inspired him to keep his free attitude even when life seemed dark.

Growing up, they never had much money (With a school teacher and an accountant for parents

there wasn't really enough money to care for upwards of 12 kids in the house at once) so he's

gotten used to having to live on too little. From an early age his brother taught him how to manage

his money, how to stretch a dollar and still manage to make life enjoyable. One of his favorite

memories from his childhood was of a time when his brother took him to his first concert, and he

fell in love with music. He would spend his days listening to music and trying to teach himself how

to compose. Now, with more practice and an actual understanding of various instruments and how

to play them, he spends his time using the cheap recording setup his brother bought him for his

birthday to make his own music. He hopes that one day he can share his songs with the rest of the world.


  • He can play the Piano, Bass (Classical and Bass guitar), the violin and is working on teaching himself how to play the saxophone
  • He mostly works in electronic music though he also has a few more classical feeling songs hidden away that he's never thought people would want to hear
  • He first dyed his hair pink on accident, but decided that he actually enjoyed it
  • He's gay AF and needs to take a chill pill ngl