


3 years, 4 months ago


Very well then! So you should place the yolk of misfortune upon me, then let me have it! I'll shoulder the very thing which you fear and plow your very world to dust! Remember you made it so!

Rhakal the Misfortunate Cleric of Lady Nanbyo
Male (He/Him)
Bisexual (Single)
5ft 2in
Spiteful, Destructive, Disciplined


Rhakal was born in the nation of Kwanlai on the day of an eclipse; He came later than the rest of his siblings of the same clutch and even among them he was of a smaller size. These two were not the only oddities of Rhakals cursed birth though as he was also born with bright red feathers that burnt like fire. Given the village's nature to be traditionalist, as they were a regarded as a roosting tengu society, their fears overcame them regarding the child. His family and the rest of Rhakals village believed the boy to be cursed by Lady Nanbyo, and saught to discard the accursed child so that his pressence did not bring about natural disasters, though they feared out right killing the child would inspire her wrath.

The town decided to leave the child in the care of a lame Tengu named Preeta who lived far far on the outskirts of the village and was incharge of the cemetary. The idea being that with the child both alive and far away the natural diasters would not be brough upon their community. Years passed and this theory seemed to be true, as a natural diaster never came while Rhakal grew up far away with his surogate father in Preeta. Preeta raised the young man on the tenants of Pharasma, as well as the responsibilities of a grave keeper. While it was hard for Preeta to break the news to Rhakal, he told the boy everything about how he came to live with him and the fact he was supposidly cursed with misfortune though Rhakal never believed it to be real. The two had a strained relationship, while Rhakal was greatful for Preeta to take care of him, he never felt entirely at home in the arms of this man, and he came to somewhat dislike those who had sent him here to live amongst the death. He felt the entire situation reeked of their true intentions of him and that it was a cruel irony.

As much as Rhakal denied the curse upon him it seems the legitimacy of it never left the minds of the village. One season the rains came in extremely violently and the whole village flooded; crops, homes, and livlihoods were all gone in an instant with the wind and the water. The village was devistated and many came upon hard times due to the lack of food and clean water. In looking for someone to blame, they remembered the accursed child Rhakal and marched to the village to kill the young man certaintly responsible for the unfortunate weather. They arrived to find Rhakal asleep in his shabby home with Preeta and kidnapped the man chanting and yelling about Lady Nanbyo and his curse the entire time they hauled him by his feet back to town. Rhakal was terrified and in immense pain as his head and body scrapped against the cobblestone. He felt his anger and resentment well up within him, and when the people of the village hung him up on a steak to be tried for his crimes he said, "Very well then! So you should place the yolk of misfortune upon me, then let me have it! I'll shoulder the very thing which you fear and plow your very world to dust! Remember you made it so!" He let out a fervant prayer to Lady Nanbyo, beggint that somehow he be save from this situation at the cost of whatever it may be but nothing came from his prayer it seemed and the stake was ignited.

The fire crept up the wooden pole until it nearly licked the feet of Rhakal. It seemed hopeless but Rhakal continued to pray, fling curses, and revel about the disaster that would come rid this community of their lives. In his passionate diatribe finally his words found meaning as the flames of the pyre erupted like a volcano singeing everything around Rhakal but leaving him freed of his restraints. As promised, Rhakal took up a torch and flame covered planks and threw them into the thatched rooves of the homes the lined the streets and soon the entire village erupted into flames. As the people tried to chase Rhakal the snaking fire from his presumed grave followed him and kept them at bay from him.

Rhakal was able to escape from the village and fled deep into the forest when he was finally able to catch his breath and truly process what had happened. He came to realize perhaps his curse was real, and this was truly all meant to happen. Even so, he had been saved by what he believed to be divine intervention AND by that so accursed 'Lady Nanbyo' who had hung over his head since birth. In a heartbeat he gave over all himself to worshiping her as recompense for his life that day and declared that he would continue to induldge in this 'curse' by becoming a traveling harbringer of misfortune and diaster all in Lady Nanbyo's name.


  • Born frail, with fire red feathers, and on the day of an eclipse Rhakal was forseen as a cursed and illomened child.
  • As a supersticious town they cast Rhakal out to live far away from the city with a lame Tengu named Preeta who maintained the cemetary, hoping that keeping him away from the town and alive would save them from natural disasters.
  • After a horrible natural disaster ruined the villages water and food, Rhakal was kidnapped and blamed for the diaster. He was to be put to death but during his execution he writhed and cursed and prayed to Lady Nanbyo who seemed to resue him admist a torrent of flames that singed the village.
  • Able to escape with his life, Rhakal spiraled into induldging his "curse" and became a traveling harbringer of misfortune and diaster all in the name of Lady Nanbyo as payment for his life.