


7 years, 5 months ago







Species: Regular
Role: Swordsman
Orientation: Lesbian
Sign: Leo
Power(s): None
Flower: White Heather
Theme: j^p^n - bloom


  • Playing Offense
  • Fruits
  • Flowers
  • Interactivity


  • Reading
  • Birds
  • Racism
  • The Future



Cornet is one of the many 'Regulars' that live on the surface of Kuzsia. However, despite only having the traits of a Regular, she is actually half Regular and half Lartoen. Lartoen are a species looked down upon by the general public, with many people regarding them to be spies for Malignis. A very common slur for them is 'Deadborn', since they normally come from Aziwi but travel to the surface for a better lifestyle. Due to being half Lartoen Cornet was often called names during childhood, she moved around continuously. After seeing how she was always being treated the same no matter where they went, however, the parents finally decided that they would move in with the only other family they had in Kuzsia in a remote village, where Cornet learned how to sword fight. This makes her extremely good at sword fighting since she's been training for over a decade, but she's not the smartest academically.


Bane has grown in popularity from the people of Kuzsia due to him being the only protector over them all. However, he, just like the people he protects, lives in constant fear of Ashum and especially Malignis due to the constant threat that they might take over. His parent granted him with a Womaiilia, a special little creature that is able to fly and has no needs and operates similarly to that of a robot. Although Bane initially disliked the creature he grew to like it more and more as time went on, until they eventually became the best of friends. He named the Womaiilia Iver, and has them act as his eyes and ears for Kuzsia whilst he resides above the clouds in a realm called Iaziffi, similar to that in appearance of what many call heaven, which only the Idohr, their parent and Womaiilia can access. Whilst Bane makes sure no outside forces damage Kuzsia, Iver keeps tabs on whats happening on the ground.

Due to his duties constantly watching over Kuzsia in Iaziffi, Bane has grown ignorant of what is actually happening on the surface despite Iver's best attempts at telling him all that they have seen and heard. Because of his cautious nature, Bane decided to send Iver on a search for a swordsman or woman to watch over the surface of Kuzsia for him. However, due to everyone's extreme fear of Malignis and Ashum, no-one has stepped forward. Except for one.
