


3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info



Grade A


Grade A

Butterfly Wings

Grade B


Grade C


Scent: Hot Cocoa 

♡Godiva's House♡

Godiva lives in a hollowed out willow tree. The front door to her house has carved steps and stones lining its path up to the door. The door has a large window, making it easy for Godiva to see whoever may be there. The rooms inside the tree wind upwards. 

  • The first floor consists of a general living room area, a couple of special made plant couches set around a soft moss rug, and a decent sized coffee table sat in the middle. 
  • The second floor held another larger area, a kitchen sitting off of an even more decorated living room. The living room held a fire place and another large round moss rug. There were crystal mushroom lamps decorating the corners, and soft moss curtains covering the windows. The moss used around her place was a dark navy blue, and the walls seemed to be painted an off-white/tan color.
  • The third floor was a large commons area, a couple tables where snacks could be held and some coolers for drinks. There was a stack of beanbag like cushions in a corner or the room. There was a sliding moss curtain covering a large hole in the tree that lead out to a luxurious balcony. Glowing plants wrapped around the handrails and there seemed to be glowing plants strung up in the tree limbs that encased the balcony.
  • The top floor was Godiva's bedroom. There were silk tapestries bung on the walls, they depicted waves and the ocean. Her bed was a large sunflower head, the edges lined with soft and fluffy feathers. There was no window in her room, and in place of where it would've been, was a huge mirror. She had small accessories laying around some places.
Worth: ~$24 

Recieved in Raffle