


7 years, 19 days ago

Basic Info



Meaning of name

Bakoth means ghost and belief in one fictive language. Harl originates from the word harlequin


Young adult




Mixed breed dog (rough collie, belgian shepherd groenendael, husky and some various other shepherd dogs)

Height (shoulders), weight

67 cm, 30 kg


Turmatar (mother), Samuel (father), Hurme (sister), Meresger (sister), Harha (brother), Sezuan (brother), Taram (brother), Eiriol (aunt, deceased)



Rather tall, bony and angular Bakoth is not the most healthiest looking individual you can imagine. She's not exactly sickly - nevertheless she's got lean muscles and rather strong build - but not in good shape either; her fur, for example, is worn and somewhat matted, and she's also fairly scarred at least for someone in her age. Her coordination skills also seem to be decreased, making her movements erratic and uncontrolled, which adds to her unstable demeanor. Her ears are semi-floppy, and she's able to draw her cheeks so far back that even her last molars can be seen when she smiles. She can also open her mouth extremely wide.

Bakoth's fur is longish, coarse and hard; it's especially lenghty in her neck and tail. Marking-wise, then, Bakoth is quite a clown with all the shades her fur possesses. Black, grayish blue and grayish red, white, warm average-shade brown, paler, grayer brown and somewhat silvery blueish gray. Her eyes are round, large and piercingly red while her claws are pink and nose, lips and pawpads black.

She's got scars quite much all over her body, but most of them do not show through her fur. The ones that show can be found from her face and legs: three scars cross her muzzle from both sides, she's got scars over her both eyes and in her front legs are cross-shaped scars. Few scars can also be seen in her left hind leg.


Long story short, Bakoth-Harl is a manically insane and very, very disturbed person. Though, while she is traumaized deep to the very core, she's extremely upbeat person, always happy and cheery and ready to meet new people. Bakoth wants to befriend the whole world, she wants to correct all the madness she had to endure in her childhood by getting to know all the good this world has to offer. She has her dreams and she's sure she can fullfill them if she just tries hard enough.

Too bad that most likely isn't going to be true. Bakoth is too affected by her past and she's too far gone, so to say; she can never be normal, she can never be what's needed for her to be fully accepted in the society. She's just messed up, she's extremely masochistic - and when I say extremely, I mean extremely - and likes to inflict pain over herself by biting hard her paws and what ever she reaches, and also she's god damn impulsive, and she has uncontrollable tendency to sink her teeth into the flesh of others if they come too near to her. Other vicious impulses are familiar to her too; she can torture smaller animals - even other dogs - without realising they're not toys for her to play with, and overall she doesn't understand the concept of dying at all.

But all this is okay, when you're just happy, right?


It wasn't warm and fuzzy love that brought Bakoth's parents together, no, not at all; it was unhealthy, abusive obsession. The pups were never treated too bad, though, for both of the parents cared about them, but the poisonous atmosphere surrounding their life drove most of them into some sort of mental distress. Bakoth was maybe one of the worst sufferers in that matter, and all her mental troubles resulted from her family life.

When Bakoth left her parents and siblings to live on her own, her life got much easier. She still has her share of problems, mistreatment and such, but she is nonetheless feeling way more alive.

Miscellaneous facts

  • I redesigned Bakoth just because I wanted to include her here in toyhouse. Her old design was... well, just horrible.
  • The original design also was damn difficult to come up with in the first place. Bakoth may still hold her place as the one character I struggled the most design-wise; and that actually is something, because I usually do not have any trouble with designs.