Drzewozwierz (ota)'s Comments

I can offer an icon like this and a full body unshaded Chibi like this!

Your art is incredible! Accepted :D do you only draw anthros?

No! I draw humanoids and ferals too!! :] You can send me what you want drawn and the pose and expressions!!! 

Sorry for not responding, I was sick and could barely do anything

do you have any humanoid examples?

Idk if my comment actually sent TT_TT 

but here a sketchy example of humanoid chibi Here 

The chibi example in my first comment also is humanoid

And this is my not chibi style of humanoids Here

I'm so sorry for not replying :( I hope you're still interested! Also my toyhouse messed up so sorry for how the liks are shown

for the chibi I'd really like this [ https://toyhou.se/16944576.san-shett ] little girl! Her freckles are displayed better on that reddish pic pic but tbh draw them however it feels good as long as it’s in this specific shape and form, plus the version with blue pants

And for icon [ https://toyhou.se/8702039.maonn-felione#52092077 ] this girl! Version without the hood, it would be really nice if you drew her with the amulet on the last pic, glowing and with dark vibes, like here [ https://sta.sh/0yd3eju29n9 ]

2 Replies
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Sounds nice! But I'll wait for others outside Toyhouse to offer

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