


3 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

English Name:

Eline (pronounced "eleen")

Japanese Name:



Lin, Sunyshore’s Rising Star, Sunyshore Starlette, Sparkling Star






Sunyshore City, Sinnoh

Current Residence:

Ula’ula Island, Alola


Trainer, Part-Time Gym Leader, Advertisement Spokesperson

Type Preference:


Trainer #:

044 ("o-ho-shi" or just a polite way to address the stars...)


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APPEARANCEEline is a petite young girl with fair skin, although her legs can often be found covered in scrapes and cuts. Her eyes are large and blue, and while they shine for some, they’re as dark as the ocean for others. She has waist length, fluffy brown hair usually pulled into some fashion of pigtails with some sort of accessory in them. Wears lots of blue and yellow, and sometimes white.

PERSONALITYCheerful, convincing, and cute, Eline is a triple threat when it comes to her job as commercial girl for the Travel Terminals. It’s hard to watch her and not smile while she promotes other places in the world! However, as an advertising model, she knows how to fake a smile all too well. Eline can truthfully be very blunt and biting, never holding back what she has to say. She will always tell you the truth, even if you aren’t going to like it. Sneaky and calculating, she truly is the perfect business woman, always searching for others’ weak spots to poke at and get the results she wants. But of course, she wouldn’t really hurt a fly! She’s a friendly and loyal girl who absolutely adores the friends she’s made in her line of work. That being said, if that fly decides to buzz a little too loudly…

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BACKGROUNDEline was born and raised in Sunyshore City, Sinnoh’s biggest port and home of plenty of tourist traps. At the age of 10, like most kids, she began her “adventure” and didn’t exactly have the best time, leaving her to come back home early. It was during this time another power outage had struck the city, and with their Gym Leader nowhere to be found, an annoyed Eline took it upon herself to try and solve the crisis. Turns out a lost Rotom had been playing in the generators, and Eline befriended it in order to restore the power. This gave her status as something of a hero for now, and considering Volkner was still nowhere to be seen, was given the title of Temporary Gym Leader. She did not enjoy this one bit. Thankfully, Volkner finally returned from his stay at the League, where he’d heard all about the young girl and her exploits, and thanked her for putting up with his trouble. She did not take this well either, and demanded some sort of compensation for her time.

Finding her personality to be oddly charming, Volkner suggested working for the Ferry Terminals, in hopes of helping with tourism. After all, if they had a local hero on board with a quirky personality, wouldn’t they sink more visitors? After mulling it over a little, Eline agreed, and began to star in commercials promoting the Sinnoh region. She’d travel all over again, with Rotom in tow this time, in order to film. As Volkner predicted, she made a splash on the screens, and tourism in Sinnoh began booming. After 2 years of this, he suggested setting sail to Alola in hope of doing the same for them. Although admittedly afraid to go all by herself, Eline agreed, under the circumstances she would be treated like the star she was there.

...she was not. Arriving on Ula’ula Island with no one to greet her, and no idea where she was going, the angry starlette began to wander around in the heat and curse to herself for ever getting involved with this. Unknowingly, she’d climbed Mt. Hokulani, believing the building up there to be a hotel, only to be let down once she’d found out the truth from some natives around.

Well...she was a star, right? Observatories are technically also for stars! She was staying here and that was final!

No, actually, she was escorted out quickly by security, who she fought vehemently. However, this little scene caught the attention of the cousins working there, one of which recognized her from her commercials (a fan, d’aw.) After nervously approaching the situation, and Eline calming down to explain the mess, arrangements were made for her to stay at Aether House. Grateful, Eline swore she’d do whatever she could to repay his kindness…

AND HOW! It turns out that visit to the Observatory wasn’t a one time thing! Eline ended up going back there almost every single day, even breaking in if she had to! Which was frowned upon by the local Police Chief and other employees, sure, but she meant well! She was determined to learn more about her tiny hero, and eventually become his best friend.

Overtime, she also befriends his cousin and his cousin’s girlfriend, forming an odd little found family sort of deal...which she’d never admit, but it feels nice to finally belong somewhere, maybe. Yeah...maybe she could stay in Alola forever! Her advertising is going super well here! So many people know her, and she even befriended a GANG one time!

But...5 years in paradise is a long time, and after lots of debating, it was decided Eline would head off to Galar to further her career. After an obnoxiously teary goodbye, she parted ways with her little family and promised they would be seeing her again very soon.

This was no exaggeration. Eline went to work in Galar right away in hopes of improving herself and making her friends in Alola proud. After lots of training, filming, and some TV appearances, Eline became something of an idol, as well as obtaining the title of Electric Type Specialist for a future gym. She streams all of her matches, similar to Raihan, and has a debut single coming out soon.

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