


3 years, 5 months ago


Own original species concept, species called Zirbon

They are a ancient species once domesticated by mankind but after millions of years they acctually started developing intelligence and overtook the earth ruling over the human race like lords and gods as their strenght became superior.

At one point they advanced to travel to distant planets leaving earth behind taking needed resources, creating sub species or evolving into diffirent forms to match the environments of the distant planets.Giving the rule back to humans after taking what's needed off to better places.

They are omnivores and tent to survive without water and food for very long periods also coming in all shapes and sizes sometimes standing on four, six or two legs.

Their horns and spikes are mainly used as social display the bigger or curlier the more attractive.

Most common Zirbons have a thick coat holding them warm. Completely bald ones also tend to unfortunately exist.

And developed several additional bodyparts.  

There are several sub species which adjusted to living in water conditions while some developed wings over millions of years.

Also some developed big claws to dig and make underground civilisations.

They also pretty much started using the living feral creatures living on the diffirent planets and domesticated them. wich they have diffirent uses for . 

Once a year there's a gigantic carnival wich mainly serves for trading these domesticated creatures or to sell diffirent tools from all kinds of planets as each one developed their own things and has their own kinds of pets and so on.

They have a rank system and usually theres specific rituals to choose the next "majors" or "leaders" to keep everything in tact as they value if everything is organised.

Zirbons respect other species and treat them as living worthy and tent to put worth on preserving species from diying out while also taking over the plantets and building bases and colonizing them.

Some of the Zirbons tough evolved backwards to go feral and loose their intelligence and return to a animal like states yet some of them may slowly regain it back.

The higher ups of course excluded them from their society.

The way they mate is like seahorses

Males have a pouch

And it usually lasts 8 or 11 months depending on sub species 

((When seahorses mate, the female inserts her ovipositor into the male's brood pouch (an external structure that grows on the body of the male) and deposits her unfertilized eggs into the pouch. The male then releases sperm into the pouch to fertilize the eggs.))

Otherwise They pretty much work like a normal mammal

And also tent to weight 150-300 kg with a height of 2 and half meters to about 3

They are pretty much treating everyone equal and tent to put out harsh punishments for crimes 

They also have several bars where they inhale alien mushroom dust to get high and relax

That mushroom can only be found in the Zahragara mountains wich makes it more valuable and expensive 

They also enjoy hunting for hezfirb wich is a Native species to their main planet wich is named hazazarb it is a really odd herbivore creature with two huge eyes loopy ears on its forehead

 and a short weird trunk like nose with long spindly legs and a short bop tail