{ 01.} Thlayli Di'ark



7 years, 21 days ago


Thlayli Di'ark

25Y . Female . Demi/Bisexual

Thlayli is a motherly figure that watches over her friends and others,even if she doesn't notice it, She is always watchful of others. This causes her to trust easily that might hurt her in the end. She is determined to know if you are hiding something and will dig for that before she gets to know you. Thlayli's emotions are pretty predictable up close but choses to be reserved in new company. She will fight for what is right but will know if she cannot defeat her opponent due her strong intuity. Quick to bite and slash; her tail is one of the main weapons besides her fangs. Her tail is made from a strong bone material and uses it to deflect en hit the attacker.the tip of her tail is poisoned which will gradualy kill you once it makes a gash, even a single scratch with the tail is poisonous. the poison in her tail can't be taken out like a snake's as she is poisoned by the Dhoom's, a non friendly species that reside in the lands of Xialar.


" I am like the moon; i go up and down like the tide."

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Species [Dragon]
Designer [Me]
Value [not for sale]
Obtained by [-]
Status [Active;main]

  • Thlayli has vampire fangs; Drinks blood if there is nothing left to eat.
  • Inspired by Spyro at a young age.
  • Her nickname is Deathy, but her real name is Thlayli that links to her old name.
  • .30-06-2011.
  • Her poison is only lethal to others and not herself.


When she was born out of the brightest gem ,down in the Crystal caves of Dia'Ark of the land Xialar, her parents where suprised with the size of her tail. Her parents were King and Queen of the realm and qualified as defenders.Her parents (Darth/Saer) are responsible for keeping strangers out. After the attack of the Dhooms, Di'ark broke apart and since then the realm has been in disarray.

One of the realms are called Psoi'an; the Undead realm. Boék (pronounced Boe-ek) reigns in this realm. He is ruthless,kills when he pleases and does not condone weakness in his kingdom. One of the crew of Boék bit Thlayli when they infiltrated the land,hence the colors that match with the first original Dhoom.Slowly she is turning into one.

18 Years

After the attack where she was bitten, Diagor became worried;her brother did not want to see her hurt. He asked the parents for herbs that could cure her haziness. thlayli resisted in the hopes she wouldnt be affected.

But it did not make her feel better. instead, the Dhoom's kept attacking which made her believe it was her fault of them coming to raid Di'ark again. Her parents send them off,her brother had to stay with her to help her on her way to Jua'ea.. the realm where she met a wonderful,colorful mute and noticed a new species.. it was the realm of the Jungle;creepy crawlers,poisonous dragons and plants that reached the treetops.

25 Years

Thlayli and her brother were fed by their aunts that everything outside their own realm is notorious and that you should not interract. which is obviously not true,instead, they learned about every other Realm that Ryve knew about. After returning to their homeland, Brother and sister were upset that their parents were not there anymore. they were last seen here..

To this day,both of them are searching for their parents.


Liao and Thlayli met on the beach , when she saw a dragon digging for treasure. she saw them eating sand..for lunch..it was love on first sight...

The two are soft for eachother; caring and listening to eachothers stories. Thlayli got a necklace from Liao that she wears on her tail or on her collar.


Diagor is the big bro of Deathtail, pretty much distancing himself from everyone else exept his family,since he is not a fan of bigger crowds. he loves his sister unconditionaly.

Diagor has never left her side and will never. However when the time is there,Diagor thought of traveling trough the realms to go beyond because he wants to find their parents.

Character Name

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