Vienne Ellary



3 years, 5 months ago


Name: Vienne Ellary
Age (Academy): 18
Height (Academy): 178 cm / 5’ 10’’
House: Black Eagles
Minor Crest of Daphnel

Age (War): 23
Height (War): 182 cm / 5’ 11’’

Strengths: Flying, Bows, Axes
Weaknesses: Reason, Faith

Vienne grew up traveling a lot with her mother, a merchant, and her caravan. She was the result of a very drunken encounter (according to her mother), and as such her mother never knew her father’s name, but Vienne believes he must have been a noble due to the Crest she inherited.

Bandits were of course an ever-present danger, so Vienne has trained in archery and axes from a young age to protect herself and her family. She’s picked up training from the occasional kind mercenary or soldier, but she and her mother saved everything they could for the chance of sending her to the Officer’s Academy for real combat training. Fortunately Vienne having a Crest helped when it came to applying to the academy, and ultimately she was allowed to join the Black Eagle house.

Vienne is a cheerful and energetic woman, who greatly enjoys training and other athletic activities. However, despite her talent for it she has distaste for actual combat and blood, preferring to stay at a distance and only fight if necessary.

She had a few books she loved to read and reread on the road, and while she doesn’t really aspire to be a knight herself she greatly admires their ideals from her childhood stories. She initially wishes to continue traveling with her mother and the other merchants after graduating, but finds herself drawn in by Edelgard and her ideals.

She is a kind person who cares deeply for her friends and loved ones, and by the end of the year struggles with her loyalty to rejoining her family versus belief in Edelgard’s cause. (She is also torn between her wish to avoid fighting, and genuine belief that Edelgard has the potential to bring true peace and equality after her war.)

While she tries her best, Vienne has always had a hard time completely focusing when it comes to the more magical studies, and as such is rather hopeless at magic. She does enjoy some reading, but for the most part would rather be outside doing more active things.

Her family have always been rather casual followers of the Church of Seiros, and while she does pray sometimes out of habit she doesn’t have a particularly strong faith.

She’s never cared much for her Crest, besides wondering who her father could be because of it. Her mother never wanted to investigate, saying it was better to leave these matters alone, but Vienne has always dreamed of meeting her father someday. Her investigating of records in the Garreg Mach library did not bring her any useful information however, so he still remains a mystery, much to her chagrin.

Crimson Flower:

After Edelgard assumes the throne and declares war on the Church of Seiros, Vienne chooses to pledge herself to her cause. Edelgard in turn makes her part of the Black Eagle Strike Force, while allowing her to send personal funds and support to her mother throughout the war. Vienne’s mother disapproves of her choice to put herself out on the front lines, but Vienne remains committed to the cause.