Evangeline Villareal



3 years, 6 months ago


Name: Evangeline Villareal

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual orientation: Straight

Birthday: 14th February

Year/Grade: 3rd


Ability score: 4.9

Tier: Elite


Ability description:


Personality: closeminded, callous, ambitious, humble, loyal, kinda insecure


Hair style: Long, wavy, black hair that reaches halfway down her back. Is often tied up into a bun or ponytail. Usually has a lock of hair braided. 

Eye color: Dark green (lime when ability activated)

Signature color: Lime green

Height: 184cm 

Build: Athletic

Skin: Pale


Background: Evangeline is an only child from a wealthy, elite family. Her parents work for the authorities. Her father is a high-ranking police lieutenant and her mother works directly for the authorities. Evangeline was brought up to believe in the authorities' ideology and the hierarchy. She was praised when she beat down low tiers and it just became a part of her. Now, she's loyal to the hierarchy and focuses on shoeing her best to the authorities before she applies to join them following graduation. From time to time, Evangeline will find a target and run a background check on them before publicly humiliating and beating them down. She also always believes whatever the stronger person says and blatantly ignores low tiers. 

Evangeline is a loyal, close-minded person. She finds it difficult to comprehend ideas that contradict what she believes and will reject it almost immediately. Evangeline is also a dedicated, ambitious person who while thinking highly of herself will continue to train her body and mind for more. 

There have been times (especially when she was pushed and burdened by expectations and lectures a tad too far by her parents) where she feels insecure, powerless and small - almost like she's a puppet. But then she'll hate herself for feeling that way and continuously tries to convince her mind to believe her parents. She is great at keeping a facade at school and acts like she takes others down because of the hierarchy rather than because of her own emotions (and her tryna feel powerful yknow)

SUMMARY: another elite tier pushed by parents goes booly people and takes pleasure in humiliating and besting down low tiers