Luka Noghol



3 years, 9 months ago


During the Peony Princess's quest to find the one who captured her, she came across a young boy who shared the same features. Accusatory at first, she received valuable information after threatening the boy. He was not related to her detainer, but he knew of them. Unbeknownst to the fairy, Luka's information was outdated.

Luka knew that the one who the princess described had been dead long before he was born, but with the threat of being killed, he sputtered out whatever information he could, aside from the unfortunate fact that the person was no longer living. On this new quest, that he had to skip school for, he owns the burden of keeping the secret from the vengeful girl, and is terrified of the day when they reach the capturer's house, only to discover the reality of the situation.

Regarding Luka's race, the Grim, they were originally descendants of the same royal family Madam Wanda descends from, however, an ancestor within the land split off to practice the powers of life and death without interference. Disconnected from the royals, this new evolution of people became Grims, creatures who are able to harness the power of life to preserve their own mortality. Luka, thankfully on behalf of the Peony Princess, is too young to have experimented with such powers, and for now he has little capability other than conjuring defensive spells against any provokers.