
3 years, 9 months ago


Jeffery Ash
Tanker Class

Jeffery comes across as being very chilled and laid-back. He may not show many feelings or emotions as others, but on the inside he can still be quite happy. Although he is capable of showing whenever he is stressed out and angry. Jeffery is nowhere near as intelligent as Aurora, but he seems to have much responsibility over all of his friends and he cares for others too. He makes sure that he does things that everyone can enjoy so nobody feels left out, he is shown this by being able to guess perfectly on which theme park ride him, Cobalt and Aurora would like to ride. Jeffery also kept every single ticket in order to get into the theme park. So not only can he take care of others, but also himself. Another way of him showing this was by trying to comfort Cobalt, stopped him from hurting himself with his own weapon and even heal all damage that had he had taken. To him it doesn't seem "right" for him to randomly start talking to strangers and should only really do it to people you know. Which is something he states that Aurora does quite often and Cobalt even agreed. Jeffery comes across as being very chilled and laid-back. He may not show many feelings or emotions as others, but on the inside he can still be quite happy. Although he is capable of showing whenever he is stressed out and angry. He also gets impatient while waiting in line for a ride going as far as saying "we've been here for ten minutes" even though Aurora and Cobalt while correct him by saying that it's only been a minute. He gets a bit salty when Aurora decided to rest after running through the maze in order to find Cobalt.

Powers and abilities
Animasapian Abilities (Anthropomorphic)
Animal Power
Has white spots on the back of his ears. It allows him to detect whoever is behind him just like having eyes at the back of his head, he was even able to do this in complete darkness.
Automatic Power
REFLECT O (Offensive): An invisible forcefield protects and reflects the wearer from only damage to whoever launched the attack. The amount of damage varies between 15-25% every hit. However, there’s a 10% chance it will reflect 50% of the damage.
Other Powers
Statistics Reduction: Just one attack can halve the amount of damage his opponent will do to him. However, it will only happen with Jeffery's first attack if the opponent doesn't enhance their attack stats.
Healing: Allows him to regenerate a whole limb with just one snap of his fingers, stalls out Continuous Damage and even slows down Damahalt. However, it can only be used 20 times per hour.
Continuous Damage: Jeffery can infect his target by forming a circular-shaped pattern on the ground with-in a 20 meter radius or launching a laser beam out of his shield. See Animasapian Abilities for more info on Continuous Damage.
Weapon: Can use his sword for melee combat and launch a energy projectile slash for ranged combat.
Gummy Ghosts: Gummy candy shaped like ghosts he bought a whole packet of at the theme park. Eating and swallowing just a single candy allows oneto interact with ghosts and stop the spirits from being able to go through them.

"No way, you take too long Aurora. Stop being lazy."