


3 years, 6 months ago


tumblr_lpfj3nVM9S1qbq4v6o1_500.gif"The scientists claim we came from a Big Bang. How something comes from nothing can't be explained. The universe ever expanding beyond human understanding or maybe we're inane, can't tap into our brains."


(Entity 764)
(AGE UNKNOWN) // Female // She/They // 5'5 ft (height varies) // Bisexual, Demisexual


Nugget is my sona, or a cartoon representation of myself.

Nugget is an incorporeal creature from space. Her true form is unknown, but she lives among the masses in a short, cutesy sheep presentation. She is capable of morphing her body into any shape she sees fit, mainly choosing to distort her form in order to terrorize people. She has no form of organs or bones, so it's rather simple for her to do.
Nugget came to earth one day in search of fun activities, taking a liking to human culture and it's offerings. This has led her to express her favorite of these offerings, pop culture and entertainment. She lives her life as a cartoon character akin to that of bugs bunny or any other merry melodies tune, going around to cause any form of chaos and buffoonery as she can. Having explored the vast corners of the multiverse, she finds this simple minded fun to be exciting. Though her massive amounts of excitement can lead to her not realizing limits, with a lot of her gags coming off as mean spirited and downright cruel. She herself however sees no issue with it.
She appears as friendly and docile, though in some instances she can appear to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. A chaotic aura can surround her constantly due to her somewhat mentally ill state. She carries at least one sharp object with her, though she prefers to use heavily artillery like rifles and shotguns. Nugget is also capable of downing large portions of food at once and gets very hungry.

Nugget likes desserts, fast food, and her best friends. Some of her other interests include large portions of food, fluffy items, pretty birds, cats, cutlery, weaponry, masochism, and medieval torture methods.
Nugget dislikes vegetables, insects, the morally wrong, and people who hurt her feelings 
