Russet Goldspur



3 years, 5 months ago


Russet Goldspur Apple

Cis-Male | Earth Pony

Nickname(s): Goldie (Common), Gold

Cutie Mark: Two strings of photographs that show various moments in his life

Talent: Photography, but also shows his intelligence 

Parents: Applejack, Junebug Luck (Biological), Autumn Blaze

Siblings: Sweet Thunder, Spicy Fritter, Pumpkin Spice, Harvest Glow, High Noon

Future Spouse: Nova

Future Children: Mimosa Rose, Strawberry Syrup 

Age (At the start of the Skaiverse): Teenager

Occupation: Student 

Hometown: Ponyville 

Current Residence: Ponyville/Canterlot 

Voice Claim: Tom Holland (Peter Parker - Multiple Marvel movies)

Short Bio: 

Russet Goldspur is the 4th born child of Applejack, Autumn Blaze and Junebug Luck. While he adores his family and is very close with them, they share very few interests. Goldie has little love for farm life and instead has taken up to becoming a sort of gifted kid who's always top of his class. That, and he has a long-nurtured talent for photography. While she was reluctant at first, Applejack allowed him to go to Canterlot for an apprenticeship under Photo Finish and to attend a prestigious private school in which he won a full ride scholarship. While there, he crossed paths with the energetic Princess Nova Sparkle. They become fast rivals, both high performing in their class and wanting to best the other no matter what it takes. But quietly they have more in common then they initially believe, and soon it's their connection that leads to much more than a simple rivalry.