Nova Starlight



3 years, 10 months ago


Princess Supernova Starlight Sparkle 

Cis-Female | Pegasus 

Nickname(s): Nova (Common, preferred), Novie (Goldie only) 

Cutie Mark: A test tube in front of a magical explosion 

Talent: Chemistry (especially if it's dangerous/never been done before) 

Parents: Queen Twilight Sparkle, Consort Flash Sentry  

Siblings: Woodland Star (Half-sister), Athena Enchantment, Twila 

Future Spouse: Russet Goldspur

Future Children: Mimosa Rose, Strawberry Syrup 

Age (At the start of the Skaiverse): Teenager

Occupation: Student 

Hometown: Canterlot 

Current Residence: Canterlot/Ponyville (She attends school in Ponyville) 

Voice Claim: Anna Kendrick (Poppy- Trolls)

Short Bio: 

Nova Starlight is the second youngest daughter of Queen Twilight Sparkle and Consort Flash Sentry. She's been her papa's little mini-me since day one, always admiring his love for science that he passed onto her. She's very much a daddy's girl, but Nova has always sought after her mother's approval. Which, with Twilight being queen and all...didn't really happen much. In order to gain Twilight's attention, Nova turned to science experiments; something Twilight herself had always encouraged when Nova was young. One problem. Nova doesn't quite know where to draw the line. She's insanely powerful, her magic tying directly into her experiments; but she also has very little regard for the safety of others or herself. It's not that she doesn't's just that she wants SO SO bad to prove herself to her mom...She needs someone to keep her close to the ground before she does something really dangerous.