
3 years, 5 months ago


Jade Cedar Pie

Cis-Female | Earth Pony 

Nickname(s): Jade, J'

Cutie Mark: A jade necklace

Talent: Jewelry making 

Parents: Maud Pie, Mudbriar 

Siblings: -None-

Future Spouse: N/A

Future Children: Cascading Rush 

Age (At the start of the Skaiverse): Teenager

Occupation: Homeschooled student/owner of a small jewelry business

Hometown: The Pie family Rock farm

Current Residence: The Pie family Rock farm

Voice Claim: Kellie Martin (Roxanne - A Goofy Movie) 

Short Bio: 

Jade Pie is the firstborn and beloved only child of Maud and Mudbriar. Sheltered by the life on the farm (and being the baby of the family) led to her being very gentle and kind. She, albeit very secretly, longs to have a life beyond her everyday; and with each visit to a family member her lust for it grows. But she's unable to act upon it, how can she think of leaving her cousin (who's practically a sister to her), Olive? How can she leave this all behind? And so she dreams in secret. Until Electric Zap arrives. He's everything the outside world represents for her, bold, outgoing, free. Needless to say it doesn't take long for them to enter a passionate relationship. However, fooling around can have some consequences, and not all of them you can come back from...