Ariane Apple



3 years, 8 months ago


Ariane Buckwheat Apple

Cis-Female | Earth Pony

Nickname(s): Ari

Cutie Mark: An apple slice covered in caramel from an apple crisp with sprinkles on top 

Talent: Baking/Cooking 

Parents: Sugar Belle, Big Macintosh

Siblings: Apple Jam, Sweetango

Future Spouse: Screwball

Future Children: Libra Sunset, Pasta Flora, Magness Mayhem

Age (At the start of the Skaiverse): Teenager 

Occupation: Merchant for the Apple Farm

Hometown: Ponyville

Current Residence: Ponyville

Voice Claim: Missy Palmer (Marzipan- Homestar Runner)

Short Bio: 

Ariane Apple is the 2nd born and eldest daughter of Big Macintosh and Sugar Belle. From a young age, she was always a mama's girl. She and Sugar Belle were baking buddies, always making a mess that also happened to be edible. Even after Sweetango was born, Sugar and Ari's connection never seemed to waver. But as Ari got older (and the expectations of the world grew), the earth pony's love of baking seemed to retreat into it's cocoon. So much so that the Apples believe Ari has lost her talent altogether. Ari is a tradition driven mare. Influenced by Aunt Applejack more prominently, Ari believes that following her passions will make her a failure in the eyes of her family, when in reality that's far from the truth. She's fine living a lie for now, but when she's caught red-hooved by her brother during a spontaneous pie baking escapade...she finds that her true self might not be so easy to hide after all.