
7 years, 2 months ago




Name || Nileva
Alias || “Witch of the Mountain”
Gender || Female
Age || 24?
Type || Black Magic/Flying
Ethnicity || Inkdrian/Mobian Hybrid (Black Cat)
Flower/Plant || Devils Claw
Occupation || Hired Mercenary
Skin Color || Blue
Rarity || Uncommon
Generation || 3
Waterproof? ||Yes, but she’d rather feel pain dang it.
Theme || Red

Traits List

  • - Blue Ink (Common)
  • - Gradiented Eye (Common)
  • - Single Color Mouth (Common)
  • - Normal Pupil Shapes (Common)
  • - Inherits basic animal features (Common)
  • - Markings do not glow (Uncommon)


Nileva is very snobby and rude to most people she speaks to. When talking to her creation Moek, she is very strict and critical of him. She is easily upset and refuses to take any damage to her pride. Nileva is always seeking something to kill, and only holds value in her own life. She’ll kill people just for the fun of it, and barely thinks anything of accidently killing another person. Nileva dislikes letting people die quickly, using the mist that comes out of her sleeves to pull people below it and suffocate them.


  • Pain
  • Black Magic
  • Watching Blood trickle down
  • Casting her magic on others.


  • People not fearing her
  • Her vicitims accidently dying before she’s done with them.
  • Not getting paid.
  • The gods and their dumb blessings.



Nileva is an Inkdrian Hybrid who has dedicated her entire life to causing death with her dark magic. She uses her dark magic to support herself, working also as a mercenary. As long as she is able to kill people with her magic, she will do it. It believed that Nileva was simply born evil and hell bent. Her magic takes the form of dark mist, that she store within her long sleeves. this dark mist makes her sleeves float at all time. She will release the mist in two ways. Either in a slow creeping fog way, or compress the mist into bullet shapes, and shoot them out in scatter shots.

Nileva enjoys the feeling of pain, and will sometimes use her dark mist to extract it and drink it later. She currently lives in a large snowy mountain, carved out by her dark mist. She easily uses her magic to transport anywhere she wants. Very few places are limited, those that are, normally find themselves blessed by the goddess Dreamweaver herself. Those two places are The Muset Shrine (and Muset in general) and "The Last Shrine."


  • Nileva was originally a mobian demon owned by Mistress Morbidity.
  • Nileva is paranoid of people stealing her stuff.
  • Nileva can compress the black magic in her sleeves and shoot them out in scattering shots.
  • Nileva will take people away, torture them, and then use her magic to bottle their pain and turn it into a drink.
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