Chirizuka kaio ( caster )



3 years, 6 months ago


Name: Chirizuka kaio
AKA: Strange King of the Dust Heap, King of the Tsukumogami, Trash King
Gender: Male
Affinity: Earth
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Source: Hyakki tsurezure bukuro
Region: Japan


Normally a bit of a trickster, which is fairly common among the yokai servants. Chirizuka kaio is only truly kind to a handful of others. Normally this is reserved for the tsukumogami yokai. He is still generally laid back and doesn’t get involved in anything too big as he doesn’t want to deal with the hassle of it all. He is also kind of a hoarder and often brings all types of small discarded items into his room to make them into tsukumogami later.

Chirizuka kaiō is a yokai that first appeared in a scroll during the Muromachi period. At first he wasn’t given a name or description. He wasn’t given a name and description until  Toriyama Sekien’s tsukumogami encyclopedia ( Hyakki tsurezure bukuro ). Each Yokai in the book was based on a pun. Chirizuka kaio’s name seems to come from essay 72 from the Tsurezure gusa which is about having too many things.

Toriyama Sekien explains in his description of Chirizuka Kaio that everything in creation has a leader. Kirin for the beasts and hōō for the birds, such Chirizuako Kaio is the king of the yama uba. This is also another pun related to a line in the noh play Yamanba. The line is basically that if you let worldly attachments pile up like dust and build into dust heaps you may turn into a yama uba. This eventually led to chirizuka kaio being interpreted as the king of tsukumogami as opposed to a yama uba. This is also likely due to the fact that he appears in the Hyakki tsurezure bukuro which is full of tsukumogami. There really isn’t any other connection between Chirizuka Kaio and Yama uba. Perhaps the phased Yama Uba was used to allude to yokai born from worldly attachment and ignorance. Yama Uba are born when improper attachments pile up like dust where tsukumogami are born from old household items that were not properly disposed of. The same kind of attachment creates both these yokai.

Chirizuka Kaio as a servant is able to turn objects into Tsukumogami normally only for a short amount of time. The easy and amount of time of this is based on 3 things. The size of the object, the age on the object and the love the object received. It’s fairly common for Chirizuka Kaio to steal items from others to make into tsukumogami.

Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: C
Mana: A
Luck:  D
Noble Phantasm: B

Noble phantasm:  

Passive skills:
Item Construction B: 
Increases own debuff success rate by 8%.

Magic Resistance D: Increases own debuff resistance by 12.5%

Territory Creation C: Increases own Arts performance by 6%.

Active skills:


Demonic, Earth or Sky, Humanoid,King,Male,Weak to Enuma Elish,Yokai

other facts