Aster Denor



7 years, 5 months ago




Name || Aster Denor
Alias || “Daisy Nobleman”
Gender || Male
Age || 19
Type || Speed
Ethnicity || Pure Inkdrian
Flower/Plant ||A Daisy
Occupation || Noble/Rebel
Skin Color || Black
Rarity || Common/Colorless
Generation || 3
Theme || Why…

Traits List

  • - Black Ink (Common)
  • - Eyes/???
  • - Mouth/???
  • - Markings/???
  • - ???


When the Rebels of Muset first meet Aster, he’s extremely cynical, pessimistic, and Anti-Social. Telling the rebels that whatever they do is their own damned fate. Aster pretends as if he doesn’t care about the people around him, but in the end, this is all a façade he wears due to the stress of his noble family line. Aster deep down does care about the people around him (Inkdrians Mainly) as shown by him helping Audri and not kicking the rebels out of the Daisy Estate immediately.

After spending time with Audri, Asters façade starts to soften. He tries his best to still act cynical, but his façade starts breaking even further when he starts developing feelings for Audri. Audri is the one that opens his eyes to a way of mixing life in Muset, and Aster follows her, his main goal to fight by her side and keep her safe. After that, Aster is more open about his beliefs of good and Evil, along with being a lot more strategic thinking and logical.


  • one
  • two
  • tree
  • four


  • one
  • two
  • tree
  • four



Aster is a part of one of many noble families of Muset. His family, “The Denor Daisy’s” is one of the most pristine and blue blood of a lot of noble families in Muset. The Denors are normally seen grooming the other members of their family to work as either a politiction or work somewhere within the castle walls. However, Aster never wished to do either of those things. Even from a small age Aster never really understood why Nobles are regarded higher then commoners, as a majority of Daisy family members bare a very common rarity and could easily be stamped out by Valo if she wanted. Due to this conflict, Aster was always at odds with his family, normally being the outcast of the line.

His family started seeing Aster as an embarrassment to his family, being out-casted from most events and gatherings. It’s not uncommon for Asters family to just lock him in his room well important events are happening. Asters parents resent him the most, especially his mother. Aster’s mother insists he become a politician for the family, though politics is the last thing on Asters mind. Ever since he was little, Aster wished to become a well know Author, writing and recording historical events, theories and philosophy pieces. This is considered commoner levels of low by the rest of Asters family.

One day after Aster snuck out of the Daisy grounds, he finds that the ride his butler promised hm would give him a ride back planned on taking him straight to the Daisy estate and radding him out for his misbehavior. Due to this, Aster decided he would ditch them and take the Bus instead. When he gets to the bus stop, he ends up meeting a large, 6’0 tall Yellow inkdrian. He has no idea what she is, all he realizes is that she "bleeding." From the way that Audri describes where she comes from, Aster thinks that her family is abusive, and escorts her to his manor, where he and his butler house her for a bit, giving her the dress she wears now.


  • Aster was originally a place older design for any male inkdrians in the Muset Story
  • Aster is named after a character in Tales of Symphonia 2
  • Asters weapon is his families traditional power of being able to create floating swords out of their own colors. Aster specifically is able to create four of these, that follow behind his right hand.
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