Sanica Chryai



3 years, 6 months ago


Sign of the Pilot




Your name is SANICA CHRYAI and there’s a lot going on in your life!

And you don’t mean that in a bad way. Not to brag, but you're a pretty famous GRUBTUBER! You have an incredible FANBASE, they’re all so supportive of you and your career that it can make you emotional if you think about it too much. Like any CELEBRITY though, you have a few fans that are… rather rambunctious. That’s why ARCSOL ZETARU, your GUARDIAN, has deemed it necessary for you to have BODYGUARDS.

Your favorite of the bunch is a man named JAEVEK BURAVI otherwise known as 'JB'. (You think you’re his favorite client too, on early shifts he’ll bring you DISGUSTINGLY HEALTHY breakfast foods. It’s really sweet of him, even if some of the food is borderline inedible.) You think ARCSOL likes him a lot too, to the point where he doesn’t even try to hide his one sided flirting from you. It’s cute and funny, and you certainly wouldn’t mind having JB around more so you try to help them out when you can. You are by no means a MATCHMAKER but you are a ROMANTIC.

ARCSOL is the reason you’re probably STILL ALIVE today. He saved you from black market dealers when you were a wriggler, and instead of using your UNUSUALLY STRONG PSIONICS for personal gain, he raised you as his own. You try to keep your powers on the down low, last time word got out your neighborhood was crawling with KIDNAPPERS and ASSASSINS. If ARCSOL hadn’t been so wealthy you’re sure that all the money he had been funneling into bodyguards would’ve bankrupt his company. It was in that span of time that your GrubTube channel really kicked off! With so much time on your hands (due to being stuck in your hive all the time) you had an opportunity to really solidify your brand and aesthetic.

Anyone who’s been on GrubTube knows that your channel is practically synonymous with relaxation! You’ve been told that you have a calming voice and plenty of people watch your UNBOXING VIDEOS (or listen to your MUSIC) to get to sleep. It’s honestly delightful to know you help others, even if the amount of help seems small and inconsequential.