Waldo Miri



3 years, 5 months ago


Waldo Miri
25 - 32 (books 1 - 7)
He / Him
Native American Vampire
Night Guard
N / A


Laid Back • Cheerful • Understanding • Humorous

Waldo is extremely laid back, even on the job. He has a "3 strikes and you're out" rule when working Night guard, which on the third night, he tells that you've been out, the strikes get reset every year.

Waldo likes to joke and pretend that the kids aren't scared of him, often sarcastically saying things like "What do you mean the kids don't like me?" and so on, but really he tries to teach the kids who are willing about vampires.

Even though most kids are scared of him, he never actually does anything to them, and actually enjoys the kids. He likes finding kids who are lonely or sad and keep them company.
 though he's not out much during the day, since being a vampire, his skin is sensitive to sun and it sunburns easily, making him the perfect night guard.


  • Apples
  • Candy
  • Old Classical Music
  • Small Animals


  • Filtch
  • Cold Weather
  • content
  • content
"Three Strikes and you're out."


Waldo, like everyone else, went to Hogwarts when he was 11. On the Hogwarts Express, Waldo met a kid named Nate, and they soon became friends. Both Waldo and Nate got sorted into Ravenclaw. Waldo was a huge troublemaker, and always snuck around at night. One day, in year 3, he heard some of the Ravenclaws talk about there being vampires and werewolves in The Forbidden Forest, and decided that that night he was going to go in and see for himself. That night he told Nate that he was going to go in, and Nate watched him go in from a window in the Ravenclaw dorms.

Waldo did find the vampires, and got bit, and Nate witnessed him run out of the Forbidden Forest, blood on his hands and neck. Once back in the dorms, Waldo told him what had happened, wrapped a cloth around his neck to stop the bleeding, and wore a scarf over the bandages. During breakfast the next day, Nate had announced that he got bit in front of everyone, and took off his scarf to show proof. Obviously, kids weren’t very friendly to him afterwards, and avoided him. 

Year 4, Waldo had gotten the physical vampire traits such as dulled skin, red eyes, fangs, and pointed ears. On the Hogwarts express, he sat alone in his own compartment. Charlie Weasley saw him sitting alone, and remembered him from the last year, and sat with him, and they soon became friends, and for the rest of the years at Hogwarts, he was his only friend, and during year 6, they started dating.

Once they graduated, Charlie moved to Romania to study dragons, and Waldo went with him. When Waldo was 19, Dumbledore offered him a job as night guard at Hogwarts, and has been working there since. Waldo still sees Charlie during vacations and when he visits The Burrow, and they both send each other letters.


• Waldo has Wall Eyes, so when his eyes are resting or looking forward, his eyes go two different ways.

• Likes to wears patterned vests.


• Tends to carry around candy to give to the kids.

• Usually wears a scarf, hat, and sunglasses in public to hide vampire features, mainly when he goes to hogsmeade. 

• Travels to different places mainly by flight as a bat, but can only travel during the night time. He normally just walks around Hogwarts.


unknown.pngCharlie Weasley| Boyfriend 

Charlie and Waldo met in their 4th year of Hogwarts, when Charlie was the first person to talk to Waldo since he turned into a Vampire. They grew very close and got together in year 6. on breaks Waldo visits Charlie in Romania.

unknown.pngFiltch | ??

Waldo and Filtch don't get along well, and if Waldo finds a kid out  and hears that Filtch is after them, he doesn't give them a strike just  to annoy Filtch. Waldo doesn't like how mean Filtch is to the kids and avoids talking to him.

unknown.pngFred and George Weasley | Brothers-in-law

Waldo loves Fred and George, and they love Waldo. Due to Waldos laid back personality, Fred and George love pulling pranks on him. Waldo loves hearing about all of their new ideas. Waldo will ignore any pranks they do on Filtch.

unknown.pngHermione Granger | Friend

Waldo doesn't talk to Hermione often, but he enjoys listening to her talk about her interests and sometimes visits her in the liabrary.  

unknown.pngMolly and Arthur Weasley | Parents-in-law

Waldo is on good terms with Molly and Arthur, though it was work to get there. Due to being a Vampire, they were very cautious of him at first, and he had to gain their trust, but now hes welcome in their home.

Nate | Ex-Friend

Nate is a friend Waldo made during his first year of Hogwarts. The night after Waldo got bit, Nate told the whole school that he had gotten bit. After that, Waldo never talked to him again.

unknown.pngRon Weasley | brother-in-law

Though Waldo and Ron don't talk often, they're both on good terms with each other. Waldo and Ron were already friends before Ron attended Hogwarts, so when Waldo was hired as night guard, Ron was very happy. Ron tried getting the kids to not be so scared of Waldo.

The Order

Waldo is a part of The Order and goes to the meetings there. Waldo gets along with the members of The Order.

unknown.pngHarry Potter | Friend

Harry and Waldo get along well, and Harry is just about the only student that Waldo doesn't put strikes on. Waldo likes to talk to Harry

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