


3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info





Gender (Biological)



He/Him (FTM)




A runt, even when compared to the structure of a regular Goblin, Grengom was a hassle from birth. Like most Goblins, Grengom was assigned a number for a name until reaching maturity. Born with strange uncanny features (horns and a tail), the Goblin stood out as a troublesome member of the group from the get go. Like most Goblins, Grengom was (and still remains to be) extremely mischievous and enjoys causing trouble with what he perceives to be harmless pranks. Most things don’t seem to put a damper on the Goblin’s mood, making it hard for him to understand the consequences of his actions, whether this be out of a genuine lack of understanding or an ignorance is up to debate (although, it’s most likely the latter.)

Some of his group believed in the concept of reincarnation, making them reckless fighters who lack the fear of death and Grengom was no exception to this. Whilst the boy may be a rogue, Grengom isn’t afraid of combat or the risk of being discovered should his stealth fail him. The Goblin is awful at logical decision making as well as keeping himself out of trouble and will rush into a fight without much thought for his safety, or even sometimes, the safety of his group due to his deluded, near religious views.

Common for his species, his clan and a neighbouring clan had sparked a war between themselves and were fighting over space and the right to food and other spoils. Whilst the majority, if not all, of his clan took this rivalry very seriously; Grengom did not. He has a habit of egging on others into dangerous situations or into escalating levels of violence and after a particularly dangerous ‘prank’ that resulted in the death of a good portion of his Clan and the subsequential invasion from the neighbouring Clan; the Goblin was given a less than favourable title due to his deeds and exiled.

Grengom’s group, like most groups of his species, were often subjects of bullying and subjugation from stronger species; which led the Goblin to desire seeking his own power and strength; embarking out on a journey post exile.

Character sheet