


7 years, 2 months ago


Athena the Peace Keeper
Name: Athena
Nickname: Athe, Ana, Thea
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Paired with: Nubian
Mother of: ErichArion[Adopted]
Species: Cinidae [Closed]
Size: Bunny/Rabbit

Personality: Loving, Strong, Caring, Motherly, Tender, Blunt, Bold, Happy, Anxious, Protective, OCD
Purpose in life: Making others happy [My RL Goal]
“ Selene has given me a place on this world to be here for a while. I hope that as I'm passing through I can make someone smile. I want to make life easier for all the ones I meet I ask Selene for her blessing to the strangers on the street. I hope i'll never fail a friend if i can help somehow. I want to be as generous as my resources will allow; and when my life on this world is done.. It will be my final plea let someone, somewhere think or say "You made a difference to me."" - Athena 

Skills: Making others smile, Cleaning, Painting, Communications,
Collects: Bells, Pillows, Rings
Likes: Night time, Music, Flying, Singing, Dancing, Cooking, Cuddling, Warmth, Thunder Storms, Rain, Clouds, Pillows/Plushies, Her Parents, Talking,
Dislikes: Sunlight, Bright lights, Loud Sounds, Silence, 

*Sometimes acts as a peacekeeper, councilor, nurse, mother
*Although she thrives to make everyone happy, She is also there during all aspects of their life. If someone she cares about or knows is somehow getting hurt by another she is quick to stand up for the other and often will fight to protect those close to her.
*Try’s to stick around her parents allot to learn things that they do to possibly help her with her life long dreams. Although understands her parents are often very busy and knows when to leave them alone for their work.
*She understands that to make some people happy she has to leave them alone to allow them to breath for themselves. She can figure out most times what to say to make someone happy.
*Is often told that her happiness comes before others but she has a hard time feeling that way because she always get’s happy when others are happy around her.