


3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




Lost to Time


Elder of Terrors, The Distant One; He who Holds the Moon in His Horn


Basic Information
UNIque Fluffy Goopy Pawed Lambicorn
{UNIque Edits: bulky muzzle, long body, inky naga tail, curled main horn edit, moon in horn, extra pair of legs}
{Non-UNIque Edits: Custom - bulky forelegs, fur edit, ears, inky mane, small beard, six eyes, no pupil, no sclera}
Hex Codes: #0f0e10 #1b1a1d #46444e #5c576d #675b89 #7f68bf #c7b9ed
Oekaki Link: Beyond the Stars

Legends tell of a lambicorn Elder lost to time; an Elder who hails from the far side of the moon.
The tales about Qamar vary - some claim that they are the Elder of Mystery, while others insist they are the Elder of Illusion. And yet, some even believe they are the Elder of Darkness Itself. In truth, they are something much, much worse.
Qamar is the Elder of Terrors; indescribable eldritch monstrosities hailing from the Outer Reaches of the universe - also known as the Far Unknown.
Qamar was given life by the Goddess of the Moon; one of the first of her creations to help govern the fledgling universe. Qamar was fine, at first - loving, even. He nurtured the other Elders and taught them many things. However, not all was placid in the realm of the gods. As lower members of their race were created - Lambicorns, they were now called - certain Elders began to feel slighted. They believed Mother Moon loved the newest creations best, and turned spiteful towards them. A terrible war broke out. Many were injured, discorporated, or even killed in the harrowing conflict. The battle raged on for many years, some may even say centuries.
But where was Qamar in all of this?
Qamar did not want to fight. They were a proponent of peace; one of the rare few among the bloodshed. In the war, Qamar had seen friend turning on friend, sister on sister. It wasn't right, they thought. It was during a particularly brutal fight that tragedy struck.


Lost his hind legs, was flung so far that he fell to the edges of the universe. He slid through layers of reality into the Far Unknown, where his wounded body was surrounded by liquid shadow. The shadow attached itself to him, became a part of him. (his hair became it as well)
He holds a piece of the moon in his horn to help him feel closer to Mother Moon.
Out of anger towards the other Elders, Qamar sends Terrors to destroy them. The Terrors are creatures from the darkness between the stars; indescribable things of maddening appearance. 

- uses shadow & illusion magic

- Has a forlorn feel to them; doesn't allow themself to get attached to other lambies

- Hasn't been seen in over a hundred years; some lambies even doubt their very existence

- They often give dreams of indescribable terror; think like eldritch horror, even without meaning to

- Their shadowy goop can change shapes, sometimes appearing as tentacles

- they have psionic abilities