King Vice



3 years, 4 months ago


Once a revered and famous King, Vice has been transformed into a demonic creature and banished beneath The blood factory to be used as a living fuel source referred to as "The blood bank". This punishment was inflicted by Furn because King Vice had lead the army who had killed her God Kaigan. Vice is trapped in a temple far underground with his body too large to escape through it's door, as well as enchanted golden chains which keep him in place. Vice is constantly being drained of blood through tubes attached to his back, demon's blood a incredibly powerful liquid that can be used to create or transform life, it is collected and used for multiple different purposes. The false empire built by Furn and Tic rely heavily on the constant supply of demon's blood. Demons, due to their blood, are extremely powerful and chaotic, evil creatures however King Vice is kept docile and submissive to his punishment because of the constant draining of blood. As well as losing a lot of his memory of being human. Vice is the father to Bell however in his current state as lost all memory of her. The temple Vice is trapped in is not inaccessible to reach however hidden, select few know how to reach it. King Vice has a small group of worshipers which seek him out for knowledge of the future, however his ramblings are meaningless because his mind is shattered. Furn allows for these worshipers to continue with their practices because to her, "those who worship a false prophet do not deserve correction, but punishment in time". Vice's body has grown many times the size it was originally due to the transformation, as well as deformed his human anatomy, he has physical traits of a pig with his face and limbs. The beads he wears are referred to as "beads of the damned" which are wooden beads with religious significance, those made to wear them are viewed as doomed to damnation.

Male | ??? | 20 ft | Demon King