


3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Original Value

christmas myo - trade only | £10




Owner: Mazikyn                                          Species: Granthrow
Name: Amarilas (Maril)
Bloodline: Murdaan
Age: 17 years
Birthdate: December 24, 2020
Sexuality: pansexual
Gender: female
Status: mated to Xervantes
Parents: N/A
-- Zhaeed | from Hualiama
-- Crentasil | from Sinbad
-- Zhetain | from Xervantes
-- Hireo | from Tsatu

Personality: Quiet and unassuming, Maril loves nothing more than to bask in sunshine. She tends to be quite the loner, looking after herself as she searches for her little brother.  She's very loving and kind and willing to help whomever she comes across. She's very shy, but masks it with a boisterous attitude and happy-go-lucky personality. Inwardly, Maril is extremely insecure about how others perceive her and will back off instantly if she feels the slightest bit out of place. Some days, especially at night, Maril comes across as somewhat crazed, speaking to herself or to grans who aren't there (for others). When she is focused on the here and now, she's despondent and passive. Maril can often be impulsive, wanting to help others so much she'll rarely think actions through before she commits. As a result, she's made many mistakes that's nearly gotten her killed and doesn't seem to be aware how close to death she's gotten each time. Occasionally, a happier female peeks through, but its rare and becoming rarer the longer she can't find her family.

History: Maril was two when humans attacked her family. She lost track of everyone in the ensuing chaos, though there was too much blood an bodies to not have lost the majority of her family. She spotted a human making off with her little brother and followed, ending up captured herself. Raised as a pampered pet, she wasn't mistreated, but she also wasn't treated well. A year into her captivity, Maril tried to escape to find her family and discovered one of her brothers had survived, but as a pit fighter. His wings had been clipped and were all but dead weight, earning him a great many scars. In the process of trying to get him free, they were both captured again, but the brother was simply shot. Maril was punished heavily - the first time she'd been beaten by the humans and the lesson never left her. Her mind shattered at the loss of her brother in front of her. She began to see ghosts, both human and gran, but they taught her how to survive. How far to go before she'd be punished again. The humans thought they trained her like an animal, but she barely acknowledged them any longer.

Seven years went by as a dream, Maril simply going through the motions of life. The village was attacked by rival humans from the north and in the confusion, the spirits told her to walk. So she got away and began wandering the forest, eventually tracing back to her birth cave. She saw her dead brother standing proud at the head of a family, the scars gone and his wings full of wind. Little cubs tumbling about with growls and squeals. Unknown females looked up at her brother in affection, but no one seemed to notice her, confusing Maril until one of the cubs rolled right through her and vanished in a poof of soft mist. Despite the fact that they were simply slivers of memory, she stayed in the cave for a few months. Her feet were restless however, knowing the humans were nearby and eventually struck out east to get away from them. The spirits of her brother and his family vanished when she turned back to look, nearly making her heart break further.

Since that time, Maril has been searching for her family, not remembering they're dead. Slowly getting sicker from malnutrition and being out in all weather, she simply collapses when her body's had enough for a time and gets up when she's able. She will attack any humans that she comes across, believing them to be the ones who killed her brother. Maril does not always differentiate between spirits and real grans and will speak to many grans she meets as if they're long lost friends. This typically confuses others and they back away, confusing her in turn until she just pelts away in distress. A few grans have tried to help the poor female, but as she continued to speak to grans who weren't there, it weirded them out and many gave up, either letting her drift off back to the forest or passing her off to someone else to try and bring back to the present.

Amarilas woke briefly from her befuddled state when a male pushed at her. Startled at the sudden rush of emotion and pleasure, she fought weakly, but was held down until he was finished, only to find other males waiting 'in line'. The small group of bachelors took her to the nearest pack and left here there with no explanation once they were done. Maril was already sick from her passive malnutrition and the shock of what had just happened didn't click in, but she ended up miscarrying them all. Depressed further by the loss of miscarriage, a friendly loner offered her the chance to try again. She carried to term and they parted on good terms, but Maril was unable to care for the cub on her own. Luckily, the dying gran was found by a pack, who did their best to bring her and the cub back to health. She was taken in by a stranger passing by when the pack realized she wasn't getting any better, though she fought tooth and claw to keep her baby, Zhaeed. Being unable to hunt and do only the simplest of tasks, they couldn't afford to keep trying. Xervantes continued to care for her and accepted the weaned cub as his own willingly, perhaps out of his stubborn nature not to give up on anyone, much less someone who clearly needed help. Slowly, Maril began coming out of the fog she'd lived in for the last 13 years as Van never lost patience with her. In fact, he was willing to help her find her family, which she is eternally grateful for. With Van at her side, Maril has less to fear from the humans in her home territory and they've slowly been working their way backwards in the hopes of finding anyone who might have survived.

Random facts: 
--- Max's older sibling.
--- Loves heights, climbing and watching others.
--- She likes botany and learning about the plants.

Stats: STR – 4 | RES – 7 | WIS – 2 | CHA – 2 | DEX – 5
Traits: Ears: UC | Tails: C | Fangs: C | Size: R | Eyes: C
Mutation: N/A                                                             Special Base: N/A