


3 years, 5 months ago
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Basic Info

Masterlist #

+. 737


Tedious. Playful. Thoughtful.
Name Erinka
Nickname Spooder, Eri
Age 17
Height 6"7
Occupation Librarian
Sexuality Demisexual
Theme Song link
Designer PastelCremePuff
    Erinka is quite a uniqe spink as there's barely any kind of her type out there! Though there are some downfalls for erinka being part spider as she often trips on her legs when going too fast or in tight space, preferring most of the time to be in open spaces that have enough room for her, while despite being part spider as her lower half, erinka surprisingly works at a library as well, being quite exceptional at her job since she can reach bookshelves that require a ladder without using one at all since she can climb to them. With another plus, she's quite agile as well! Being one of the top runners in all of her pacer tests and reading skills, despite what it may look like as erinka can be quite creative when it comes to solving situations especially in geometry but isn't too good when it comes to art as her vision often causes chaos for her to create detailed art works and more, despite all of this, erinka can be quite lively to be around as she often has a jokeful sarcastic attitude to brighten up other's days and enjoys being herself both her life and how she was born.