


3 years, 5 months ago


Serenity is a humanoid alien from a planet known as Boria. Her planet runs on music, which is where she draws her powers. Borians are a carnivorous humanoid race that thrive on music and survive by consuming live organisms and harvesting their life force. When serenity was old enough she and her twin sister Echo (who I still haven’t finished the ref for😔) joined the Borian space exploration fleet. Tasked with finishing new planets for habitation should something happen to Boria, she and her sister were sent to earth in the year 2081. Upon arrival and deeming the planet habitable they began their fist hand exploration. After a few months they were found by S.H.E.I.L.D operatives and contained for questioning and observation. After being deemed as a non-current threat they were given the choice to stay on earth and assist S.H.E.I.L.D or to remain as prisoners.  They were assigned to the Next Gen Avengers where they would meet their teammates Honeybee (aka Judith Parker), Night Stalker (aka Otto Wolfram), Junebug (aka August Stark), The White Witch (aka Shumi Nozi). Serenity’s known powers include a sonic scream, sending out a soundwave with her war hammer, propulsion, and she can manipulate her hair similarly to love deluxe from jjba :)

Fun facts:
A year on Serenity’s planet is the equivalent to 3 on earth so in her planets years she’s 18 on earth she’s 54

Serenity and her sister can open their mouths like snakes

Serenity is currently dating Honeybee and learned most of her earth knowledge from her

She has a habit of sticking unknown objects into her mouth